Do you find cursing offensive.


Active member
I really enjoy cursing. I know a lot of people don't like it. How do you feel about it? Do you find it really unattractive in the opposite sex?

Just wondering.


Well-known member
recluse said:
I find it unattractive for women to curse.

I couldn't imagine being with a woman who didn't curse.

Well, at this point, I can't imagine being with a woman period, but she would have to at least tolerate my cursing. Most of the women in my family curse, so maybe it's genetic.....


Well-known member
recluse said:
I find it unattractive for women to curse.
Why is it unattractive for women to curse? Why just women? ....If it is unattractive for a woman to swear, then i dont see why it isn't unattractive for a man to swear.


hbanana11 said:
recluse said:
I find it unattractive for women to curse.
Why is it unattractive for women to curse? Why just women? ....If it is unattractive for a woman to swear, then i dont see why it isn't unattractive for a man to swear.
Yeah, I also don't see the reasoning here. Unless it is attached to the stigma of women having to be "prim & proper" (?)

Anyway, I'm not bothered by it. Although I do find it unattractive in some cases, specifically if it's used too often in a sentence and sounds unnatural. Or even the cuss words used; there are a couple I find that are more distasteful than others.


Well-known member
why would anyone be offended by words of any nature, its all societies conditioning regarding politeness in the face of an authority or people who may be too weak to handle it, but really its supression of words that should rightfully be accepted like any other word ...

fuck = oh no or sex

sex = people going at it

people going at it = horizontal challenge

its all the same ..

shit = oh no or pooh, pooh is a natural part of digesting ...

and why should anyone be offended by a word, it just seems so unfathomable to be offended by a bunch of letters that create some meaning or expression ...

its actually pathetic if you think about it hard enough


Well-known member
rain_ said:
hbanana11 said:
recluse said:
I find it unattractive for women to curse.
Why is it unattractive for women to curse? Why just women? ....If it is unattractive for a woman to swear, then i dont see why it isn't unattractive for a man to swear.
Yeah, I also don't see the reasoning here. Unless it is attached to the stigma of women having to be "prim & proper" (?)

Anyway, I'm not bothered by it. Although I do find it unattractive in some cases, specifically if it's used too often in a sentence and sounds unnatural. Or even the cuss words used; there are a couple I find that are more distasteful than others.

I don't think he meant to stigmatize women. The first poster asked if people found cursing attractive in the opposite sex. He just answered the question that was asked.
I try not to swear so much anymore, but I don't really care if other people do it. Sometimes, it just isn't necessary, though. People who go way over the top and think they need an f-bomb or two in every sentence look stupid more than anything. I don't like f-bombs in general. "Fuck" just doesn't roll off the tongue like "hell" or "damn."


Well-known member
I drop the f bomb once in awhile and use damn and hell often. As long as the other person isn't using the f word every other word, then I really don't care.


Well-known member
No I usually dont take offense. Often its nessecary to release emotion in a more socailly acceptable way than sobbing. However if they go way over the top with their colourful language then it can and often does remind me of a particular aunt of mine.

Well i remember her best from childhood from her swearing both in english and welsh, well i could tell it was swearing when she was speaking in welsh from the tone of her voice. Whats strange about it is that most of my other relatives hold their tongues pretty well but this aunt held nothing back even when she wasnt in a bad mood.

So now when I hear someone using cuss words as a sentence filler again and again I often get images of her Cockatoo doing a little jig and tweet to my old aunt's rythmic swearing. If I knew just one of these people personally I think I would mention it to them, and ask why.


Active member
A curse word here or there barely registers in my brain. But if someone's cursing up a storm, then it bothers me.


Active member
i don't mind swear words as long as it's in moderation....i can't stand it when people are using them ever other wood


Well-known member
I swear some myself....spose i try not to sometimes..figure there's a time & a place for it & times when I should hold my tongue & do....guess dont mind if other people swear either so much....except if they swear all the time in every other sentence like was already mentioned. Ironicly I can become a bit offended by excessive swearing in movies...example "Pulp Fiction"...when they use the f word in every other just turns me off to the entire movie....feels like they turned it into a contest to see how many swear words they could get into the movie....makes me think they thought more swear words = big box office returns from younger audience... I dunno.