Do you feel like you're not where you should be as an adult?


Well-known member
Does anyone feel like this? It could be because of a lack of maturity, academic achievement, career advancement, independence, etc. Would you say that your SA is the primary factor behind your lack of progress?

I feel like this a lot. I'm 1 week from turning 30 and I live with my dad, I'm jobless, starting second year of college, and I'm single.
Most everyone I know has families or live on their own, and decent jobs


Active member
I do now, a couple of years ago I was sort of on track. Maybe a tiny bit behind, but now the gap is getting larger by the day.


I have felt like this all my adult life and I am 55 now, single, no job, no friends and hide in the house only going out to buy food. I feel inadequate because of my education and my learning disability and the way I look. I lived with my mother till she died a year ago and to make matters worse she to suffered from social phobia. So I never achieved anything and never grew up.


Well-known member
Career wise I'd say I'm not where I'm supposed to be. I haven't even went to college yet and I'm still living with my parents cause I've been struggling with my depression. This year though I do hope that I get back on my feet, look for a job and start making some money. I'm glad my parents were very patient with me, but they both knew I was going through a hard time.


Well-known member
an ex-friend once told I had the maturity of an 18yr. old. At the time I was close to being 30. Now in the middle 30 range, I still live with my parents. Never moved out. Academically, I dropped out of college. Studying, Homework and maintaing a part-time job was too much for me to handle. Then moved up to full-time working at a retail job. Got burned out and had to quit there. Now on disability. I've never dated either. No desire to have children. I"m very socially awkward and shy around both genders


Well-known member
All the time. It's taking me some time to get there but I have moments when I'm motivated and other moments I'm back in the rut. I don't want to be this way at all.


Well-known member
Well, it's clear I'm not alone here. I still feel the same way, but I'm fortunate enough to have some understanding relatives who care. I could be doing a lot better, but things could also be worse. I wish you all good things. Good luck with your endeavors. Don't give up hope. :)


There are some things i'm happy with and others i'm not. Thats really just life though. I agree what was said about social media giving people unrealistic expectations financially. People either give up part of their life for several years of college for money, rush into a relationship to get married and usually have kids when they shouldn't just because it's "the thing to do" then end up divorced after thinking it would save their marriage...

In any case, even if someone has everything they wanted in life, doesn't mean they are or always will be happy. Just means they have less to stress about really than most. Me not being exactly where i want to be gives me something to work towards. In the process of getting there i find other things of interest and where i want(ed) to be isn't so high as a priority anymore.


Well-known member
I've been pushing people gently out of my life that make those harsh judgements about where I should be and when. Some of us deal with issues that many cannot understand. Am I less fulfilled or more disappointed? I don't think so.

I am self-employed part-time semi-skilled labor, working on an educational certificate for a technical job. I moved out at 18, 16 years ago, but have always had roommates. For me it came down to losing passion in college due to burn out from anxiety, depression, and a chronic pain condition. Realizing I don't need more in life anyway makes me smile.

Mental issues have definitely marred many relationships, but to be honest, failure has driven me to experience many things I wouldn't have tried if I had fulfilled the 'American Dream'. My own mother says I was an adult at seven, and have been regressing ever since!

My own guess is that most people on this forum are very socially skilled, attentive, and kind. It's everyone else who's crazy.


Well-known member
Yes I just enrolled in college for fall 2016 here in NYC. I should if did that many years ago but I recently met a woman who motivated me to better myself plus I see a therapist which I feel has been helping. Anyway The woman who motivated me we are no longer together but Im happy I enrolled I just hope I end up going when september 2016 arrives. At around 17 I felt I would have found a good girl and be married or have kids by now at age 26 but its has not happened my social phobia depression anxiety has all held me back even from working I landed a good job at age 19 I could own a home by now but all the issues I just stated and also having severe insomnia it made me quit only after 1 week not even the money and financial security for the future could not keep me from staying on the job I just had to quit! SO yeah I feel I am not where I should be but I just think try to think postive and that its never too late!


Well-known member
I lack relationship experience and it doesn't get easier at this age. In fact it gets harder and I dont see myself finding anyone anytime soon. I had some chances that I really blew or didnt try at all but nowadays I just do or say nothing