Do you feel jealous of people celebrating v-day


Well-known member
No it doesn't bother me, I don't really like the day itself because it's just silly but then I am usually alone in thinking that when in a relationship.

Right now I can't help but think I am meant to be alone (I am in a relationship) it's just so hard, I be myself from the start and I never change (maybe that is a problem - or is it? I should be me always).

Things just seem too hard and complicated when in a relationship. I find it hard to want to go outside and do anything because out there nothing interests me and the more time I am outside the harder it is for me. I do not feel relaxed if I spend a lot of time out the house.

Everything I enjoy is usually inside, computer games or animes and I constantly feel like a failure when my partner wants to do something outside but we never can think of anything to do and it's putting a lot of pressure on her.

I seriously think there is something wrong with me sometimes. What am I meant to do? I love spending time with her but what is there to do outside the house other than bowling or cinema. Am I just wrong? I can't do normal relationship routines nevermind valentines day!
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Well-known member
Nope. I am depressed and alone 364 days a year. Valentine's Day is the one day I rejoice in solidarity. I'm still riding out the high from yesterday. By tomorrow, I'll probably be my old self.


Well-known member
No I don't feel jealous. I like holidays because people do something special on those days. I spent my v-day eating good food and listening to romantic music. Pretty good overall.


No - I am not interested in the personal affairs of others, it's not relevant to me. I just get sick of being messed around by women (some - easy now feminazi's)


Well-known member
No. I tend not to feel jealous of people in general. As for Valentine's Day, it usually doesn't bother me that I'm always alone.
No, I'm not jealous, It's a nice day for sure, but any day is possible to make your own Valentines day when the time is right. Because love is love.