Do you ever push yourself into doing things?


Well-known member
I often have to push myself to do things. I don't feel very self motivated a lot of the time. I do find, though, that once I've forced myself to do one thing, my motivation goes right up and I feel like doing more.

I don't feel like I've wasted my time when I've done something worth while, like helping a family member with something, or lifting weights for a half hour. It feels good, actually, because I don't end up feeling like I've wasted the whole day, lying around.


Well-known member
I know what you mean my clean clothes have been in the dryer for 2 days and the dishes have been clean for a day but I don't feel like putting them away


New member
I have push myself to do almost anything, and I'm even being treated for my 'illnesses'.

When I have to do something like go to the mall for shopping, I have to push myself to actually get out of the car and go inside. The problem is, even though I took the plunge and went into the problem headfirst--I still am unable to function properly while I am in the situation. It's only when I am 'safe' at home that I am able to take a deep breath and collect my thoughts.

I feel so stupid when I do things because I am so scatter-brained. I'll buy something at Wal-Mart and then forget a bag or my change, or I won't remember my pin number and I turn all read and want to die. lol

So I can force myself to do things, like go to work or shopping, but when I actually do force myself I rarely am able to do anything productive.

Lorraine Manca

Well-known member
Oh yes. I know exactly what you're talking about. When ever I do anything practical or try to challenge my limitations, I resent the time it took, put on a pot of coffee, and stay up late to make up for the lost time.


Well-known member
I push myself all the time. I'm going back to college at the ripe old age of 41... Funny thing is I graduated for the same college back in 1992, now I have to return to change careers, because my profession that I trained for is no longer there...

I force myself to go to party's when a friend of mine invites me over. It is hard for me to be around allot of people. Lucky for me, he usually has bon fires and I keep myself preoccupied with maintaining the fire, until I start to feel depressed because all the girls are socializing with everyone except me... Not even the guys want to talk to me. When someone does talk to me, it usually isn't for more than a couple minutes. So I find myself feeling very depressed wanting to kill myself, and I leave the party usually in a hurry. It's such a lonely existence for some of us...


Active member
I often have to push myself to do things. I don't feel very self motivated a lot of the time. I do find, though, that once I've forced myself to do one thing, my motivation goes right up and I feel like doing more.

I don't feel like I've wasted my time when I've done something worth while, like helping a family member with something, or lifting weights for a half hour. It feels good, actually, because I don't end up feeling like I've wasted the whole day, lying around.

I'm similar.

Finding the motivation to start doing things is difficult, but I feel better about myself once I'm able to work on doing them. Because of how difficult motivation is for me, I'm able to get quite a bit of enjoyment from doing small things. For example, I find that I enjoy making stuff like pancakes and brownies.


I just take some upper and push myself to do what I gotta get done. Usually does the job.


When it comes to spending time with people, yes I do have to push myself. Especially if I'm invited, since that doesn't happen often enough for me to be picky.


Well-known member
I don't push myself as much as I probably should. I guess it just depends on the situation. My psychiatrist wants me to get some blood work done, and I'm terrified. She knows this, but she thinks it will be good for me. I guess you could say in a way I'm pushing myself to do it...but I mostly feel like I'm being pressured.


I find myself doing alot of things I'm anxious about, but that's just life. You get through them, but you always feel you could have performed better, and replay the 'mistakes' you made in your head. I think it's better than hiding, but it's still punishing to always condemn yourself afterwards too. I think it's about finding that fine balance, between reality and your SA. 9 tirmes out of 10, the experience wasn't as bad as you made it out to be, it's just what you trumped up in your head...


Well-known member
i pushed myself to hang out with a friend and it was terrible, there was nothing to do and we drank a little but I felt the opposite of loose, I was drowning in anxiety in my own head and I remember saying something really dumb like "im sick thats why im not talking" and my friend looked at me like I was crazy or something and I got really nervous becuase there was no distraction. and so I faked going to sleep so I could escape the situation, but then I woke up there and it was terrible, my friend looked at me like I was a punk and weak. which I was.....I never used to be this way but it gets worse everyday, I don't see myself getting better at this rate. I dont wanna hang out with anybody now