Do you envy other people?


Well-known member
I like who i am personally.:) Buut i do get very jealous. the popular girls, about as fake as they look no doubt. no worries about them really. they attract their own kind, i wish i had a kind though.


Well-known member
sometimes I get mad when I hear about or see other people my age with great-paying jobs and fancy cars and married with kids.

Then I get to thinking they might not be happy, they might not have any free time to themselves (99% of my time is free time)

So no, I don't really envy others very long at all before shrugging it off.

Bustn Justin

Well-known member
Never thouhgt that the more 'successful' peeps can be real unhappy.

I have lots of free time to myself. Feel way more comfortable.


Well-known member
I envy people who are confident and carefree. It seems to get anywhere in life you have to stoop to the requirements society want, you have to like certain things and say certain things and behave a certain way. I envy people who are willing to do that. I don't want to.


Well-known member
I think the activity that goes on your facebook page is (in most cases) a reflection of how healthy your social life is, and I'm well aware of how pathetic mine is. No one ever writes on my wall, or comments on my (few) pictures. People regularly remove me from their friends (REAL people I actually know).

I really hate it when I stumble onto other people's profiles, and it seems they have an amazing life going for them....hundreds of pictures all over the world, hanging out with different friends, seeing places, and doing things I will never be able to do because I need someone to do them with...

Facebook heavily contributes to my depression sometimes...