Yeah, they definitely helped. My parents got divorced when I was 12 and I figured out pretty quickly that I couldn't stand up to life's challenges. Try getting two 6-year old parents and two 8-year old grandparents to agree on anything. It became our (I have a younger sister and brother) responsibility to reconcile their schedules if we needed a ride somewhere.
Throw in a second marriage for Dad and you've got another adult who doesn't know how to handle this situation. This was the 80's when divorce was the "in thing" but the family situations it created were relatively unexplored. So none of the adults have any idea how to handle the whole thing, but the kids are expected to come up with the answers. And if we don't get it right, we're rotten and spoiled because we can't figure out how to please 5 adults who refuse to agree on anything except the fact that they refuse to agree on anything.
So, after that kind of family experience growing up, who needs people? I have social something but don't know exactly where it falls between anxiety and phobia. But it doesn't matter anyway because I don't want to have relationships with people anyway. Sometimes I think I do but then I come back to my senses. Maybe a lot of people from divorced families have this experience. I know a lot of people have had it worse, and if they've figured out how to have good relationships with people, good for them.