Do you believe your parents helped develop social anxiety?


Well-known member
Yesterday, I went to see my mom after not seeing her in a long time. Her boyfriend and brother were there. After the two of them left, she fought with me. I had an attack (after not having one in months) and I drove home right after. She is definitely a part of it because she yells at me for everything I do. Now I feel like no matter what I do, I'm doing it wrong. I just need to move to get away from all of this.


Well-known member
I think so, not that my parents did anything bad. They basically taught me to be reclusive because that's the way that they were.
If there was a (1st grade birthday)party they might say, "yeah, but there could be mean people at the party, people could do bad things. Wouldn't you rather just go over to your friend's house?" They taught me to be afraid of many things.

I also observed a lot of social phobia as a child. My parents NEVER would go out to eat, parties, invited over people and sometimes they would avoid meetings at work. At times they would show up to the meetings late and leave early, just to avoid the "down time" that would inevitably involve small talk.
Once they drove to a meeting, but called us before they even went in. They said that they couldn't go to the meeting because their car broke down(doors wouldn't respond to buttons on the key and they had to use the real key) and they came home :(


Well-known member
My therapist told me SA is almost always hereditary. My father is anti-social and so was his father, so yes I attribute my SA to my parents most definitely.