Do something good for others


Well-known member
I decided to do something for others. Often times, when you're walking down the street or downtown, you see people smiling, minding their own business, heading somewhere in a rush, etc. What you don't know is what kind of turmoil blooms within them. Everyone has fears, problems, stress, anxiety, everybody feels sad at some point.

I've decided to compile a list of positive thoughts. Most are mine, and some are famous inspiring quotes (Ghandi, etc). What I'm going to do with them is: I will write them on a bunch of post-its, and place these post-its all around town. I won't sign them. They will only have those messages, those little bits of language that, who knows, can simply make your day better, and change your life, change a stupid decision you're about to make, change your facial expression and turn it into happiness.

I'm going to do this with a friend, and I hope to inspire many. I find it fascinating to imagine people gathering these post-its and wondering who wrote them, who's writing them, who went out of their way to inspire, help, and put smiles on the faces of complete strangers while expecting absolutely nothing in return.

I figure that this will not only inspire the people who read them, but also myself, because as I'm writing those messages, I'm also writing them for me, so it's therapeutic in more than one way.

I'll be doing this with a friend, and she's already making her list as well. Should be fun.

Not sure why I'm sharing this, but I'm excited about it.

Alright, cheers!


Well-known member
That's an interesting idea... It gets you out of the house to post those messages.
I often recommend volunteering to patients that I believe can handle it...
That's one of the reasons I help people for a living. It's easy for me to forget myself when I'm set on helping someone that needs it.

razzle dazzle rose

Well-known member
A few weeks ago while I was out shopping, I noticed messages written with chalk on the sidewalks. They were written with different colors in various sizes and some had little drawings too. I liked seeing them; they made the sidewalks pretty. I did wonder who did them and when. They do say to post affirmations where you can see them, and out in public seems like a good idea! One I like is "every day in every way I am getting better and better." Post that one for me :p Good luck!


Well-known member
Haha, I just might.

And thank you, Starry :)

That's an interesting idea... It gets you out of the house to post those messages.

Well, yes, but I get out of the house all the time. My anxiety in social situations isn't nearly as bad as it was years ago. I'm typing this from work as it is. I just wanted to something that's both fun and also inspiring for others. Who knows, it may save a life or two.


Well-known member
sacrament - that sounds like an awesome, fun idea! Maybe you can take a picture of one of the post-its and share with us?

Very inspiring! :)


Well-known member
I might, but the point is to leave them at a public setting and leave without anyone seeing you :3

Regardless, they're gonna be in Portuguese (sans a few exceptions), so you won't understand much!


Well-known member
I might, but the point is to leave them at a public setting and leave without anyone seeing you :3

Regardless, they're gonna be in Portuguese (sans a few exceptions), so you won't understand much!

It is a great idea. :) Yes, you're right - the point is NOT for anyone to see who has left the anonymous postings.

I see things thru a camera lens a lot, lol!

hmm.... I might just start something similar interesting to see since where I live is a tourist trap and a 'sinful' town....I would much rather see a smile than a frown


Well-known member
Would be cool if this idea made a few SPW users jump into action and do similar things. Like I said, while it inspires others, it'll inspire you as well.


Well-known member
Where will you put these post-its? If you're putting them outside and you live in England, for example, they might get blown away or drenched in rain, crumpled on the floor. Perhaps you can secure them with tape. I like your idea though.


Well-known member
I live in Portugal, where Summer's warm and the skies are clear. On the other hand, when the weather gets a little worse, I might consider using tape (or being more careful where I put them). I was thinking public parks, etc.


Well-known member
I love this idea. For years I've been meaning to do a similar project where I make tiny gifts and leave them around for random people to find. I've just never actually made time to get around to doing it. Be sure to take a few pictures, and maybe even sit close by to catch a glimpse of someone finding their note!


Well-known member
I commend you for such a good idea.
Those words of wisdom can make a huge difference to peoples' every day lives.
And sometimes, people just need to know that it's okay to feel down sometimes - because most of the rest of the world can relate at some point or other


Well-known member
Someone do something good for me! :/ I'm absolutely FED UP!!!

Can't you do something good for yourself? Make a list of 10 things you'd like to do/have, and then do at least one good thing every single day that'll get you closer to any of those 10 goals. People often get stressed over the past or the future, and never spend any time in the present.

There's 24 hours to a day. Would you rather spend them hating yourself and feeling miserable, or doing something that'll slowly help you climb out of that hole?


Well-known member
I'd love to find a Post-It with a happy thought on it! Sometimes it's the littlest things that can really make your day. Great idea! :)


Well-known member
Alright, did like 10 of them last night and through the morning. Funny story: I left one of my notes on a restaurant door. Usually, when I get off work, that's when the owner (a woman, btw) arrives at said restaurant. Around the time I was supposed to leave work, I saw her arriving, so I stood at the door of the hotel I work in and observed. When she opened the door (she hadn't seen the message by then), the message fell on the floor and she picked it up. She read it attentively, and took it inside with her :)

There was a trash can right next to her, but she took the message with her. Who knows, maybe she put it somewhere where she could read it throughout the day!

It made me smile, though.