That requires some effort to watch all those episodes. Maybe if someone gets them for me on DVD, I will watch it. :bigsmile:
Had you lived inside the European Union (for import/export tax reason), I would've happily bought them for you.
That requires some effort to watch all those episodes. Maybe if someone gets them for me on DVD, I will watch it. :bigsmile:
You still can, even though our DVD regions are different. :: Or you could buy an Australian copy and send it to me. You know you want to. I'll pay you back in pizza.Had you lived inside the European Union (for import/export tax reason), I would've happily bought them for you.
That's one of the reasons why I like it. Non of them are 'good people' by any means, but they're interesting to watch and study. :3
I'll pay you back in pizza.
Yeah, all those promises of pizza that go unfulfilled. I hear you, man. Do I look like a guy that would betray your trust?:O
.. Don't play with my feelings, Mikey.. I've been hurt before.
Don't get me wrong, I like grey area characters, but I have to like them - even the ''bad guys'' - or I just have no interest in them.
Game of Thrones is a prime example. Cersei is such a b.... but I love her. She's one of the ''bad guys'', but she's not wholly bad. And Tyrion. The Hound. Baelish. I could go on. Characters don't have to be 100% good or evil for me to like them, but if I don't like them, or love to hate them for being deliberately evil - hello Joffrey - I just can't watch.
Anyone else ever go through this?
Not a big deal, of course, but I used to be the first person to get in line for the new releases, watch a lot of TV, play video games, watch all the current ones and catch up on the older name it, I watched it. I was really no more busy than I am today - I had a full time job, and still went to college and helped the family ... so nothing much has changed in that way, so what's up with that?
But now, I feel like I just don't have time, I get bored easily, too distracted when I try to sit down and watch something, I can't sit still...
To top it off, my NY pal gave me access to their netflix, hulu and myplex accounts so I have all the TV and movies I want, at my disposal....How kind of him to allow me such access to his accounts (FREE!) but I just can't seem to get around to even try to watch something or when I can squeeze in the time, I get so distracted and bored I feel like I am just wasting it...It makes me feel bad that all this is at my disposal and I am not using it.
I used to watch All My Children religiously - for about 20 years. I found myself getting over the fact that it was cancelled. I thought, eh, it's over, one less show I have to record. Now, it's been revived online and I watched 1 30 minute episode, and haven't bothered to watch any more. Seriously, if there was one thing I MADE SURE I DID, I watched that day's episode of All My Children...but now, I don't even care about that, lol!
Does this sudden disinterest and 'eh, whatever' attitude come with age? Is this a mid-life crisis phase I am going through? is it ADHD? Is it because I found a grey hair and now it's just downhill from now on? LOL
...and so it goes...:idontknow:
Maybe you should try watching different stuff to reinvoke your interest.