Did you inherit your Social Anxiety?

its funny ya know my mum is the only other one in my family that shows any signs of it... i reckon she was the gene carrier for it, but those genes wern't actually triggered by environmental factors at all in her life, and so weren't switched on, so she appears not to have it.

Those that know a bit about genetics will understand what im on about. To the untrained eye she seems like everyone else, but to me i can see the odd trait. She has no trouble socialising, can make good eye contact etc, but chooses not to socialise much and doesn't have any friends. This is why i believe SAD is a combination of environmental and geneological factors.


Well-known member
Hell yeah. My mom doesn't even open the door for my friends and neighbors. Whenever we have guests she hides somewhere in the house. Because her life isn't exactly a happy one she also became depressed and very sad. My dad is also depressed and can't see any joy in life whatsoever. He tries to be nice and helpful but in the end his fear and anticipation that the next catastrophe is just round the corner is always getting hold of him, so it's a pain in the ass to talk to him about the future.

I was walking around with two friends of mine a few years ago, and we saw two police cars and an ambulance. We asked a guy what was going on and he said some man was going crazy, screaming and just literally scaring people with the mad look on his face. I thought it was my dad, that he finally snapped. Thank god it wasn't (!!!!) and I hope and pray he's not going to but I remember 'feeling' that it was him, that it could be him.

So yeah, I guess I can blame my family for my own struggles!


Well-known member
This is why i believe SAD is a combination of environmental and geneological factors.

i agree with this. both biological and environmental factors are linked and depending on the level of input, can influance the other.


Is it an illness?

I've been sure it's only, ever about how you act.

Big family of mum, all highly sociable. Dad never was. People rely on the other half to do the social stuff.

I think mine comes down to a crucial point of 50-year old already retired parents, not ready to be parents to a new child of the 1970s, while siblings got all the magic, and some factors of a menopausal baby and a failing immune system,

but I hate excuses!!

I like to grab the bull by the horns, which might have consequences
My mother, father (deceased) and brother are all depressive, but not so much SA I think.
I have a sister of 16 years old which is born through a different father and she is the opposite of all of us, she can't stay at home for an hour and needs constant attention from everyone and doesn't understand at all why we are so "pessimistic" with everything, so I'm guessing that came from her father's side..

Even so, I attribute my SA to an specific order of events that happened while I was a teenager, involving public humiliation and bullying.
Yeah. I can tell I got just about every neurotic tendency from my mother. She has social anxiety, depression, general anxiety, etc., etc... Thanks mom :(


Super Moderator
Yeah, most likely. My mother suffers from Anxiety and Depression, my father has Depression and my grandma has SA/Agoraphobia, in massive levels.

I've heard about other relatives with severe issues as well. One (I don't remember who) has Schizophrenia.


Well-known member
Yes depression, my dad was severely depressed and so are some of his sibblings, he lost his battle to depression at the age of 32...
I don't think my dad had SA, he was very people friendly and was one of those people who'd do anything to help someone.
My mom says she was quiet when she was younger, so I think I might get it from her...


Well-known member
No, I wish it was inherited, but the only mental issues my family has dealt with is depression. At least if it was inherited, I wouldn't be the only one with it and be so alone with it.


Well-known member
Without a doubt, though my family refuses to admit it. Just the other day my mom told me that she gets really bad panic attacks which explains a lot. Still, neither of my parents have social anxiety.


Well-known member
Yes, my family is filled with people with mental illnesses. My brother is the most severe, with autism, SA, agoraphobia, avpd, etc etc. My mom comes second, possibly having autism, dementia, and paranoia. My dad probably has autism. And I have SA, avpd, and maybe autistic to a certain extent.


Well-known member
No , I don't think that any of my parents have SA.But i would say that I inherited a sensitivity or sensitive nervous system which made me more prone to get SA.But my insomnia is definitely inherited ,all of my grandparents suffered from it, so does my mom.