Why do u suppose u're instructed Not to deal with rude customer complaints? U work in Customer Service, right? Doesn't that seem like a "Customer Service 101" issue? Help Customers be happy w/ur product!? That IS what Customer Service is all about. Is it possible u've been told NOT to respond to these types of complaints b-cuz ur company doesn't trust the CSR's to represent the Co. in the most knowledgeable and amicable way? And b-cuz the Co is about making money and not giving it away, doesn't it seem to reason that they would have a more monetary reason for instructing their CSR's to NOT deal with such complaints from customers? Remember, companies do not make money when they're giving it away. Or do u suppose u were told this b-cuz the Co. cares soo much about u (the CSR's) and just doesn't want CSR's to have to deal with such frivolties? My guess: the Co. wants to save money. The Co. figures dont allow the CSR person to deal w/any displeased customers. Instruct the CSR's to "Not Respond" to rude or complaint filled E-mails. The rude complaints and e-mails eventually will go on to the next person up the ladder. Hopefully, this person will squash the complaint. If not, onto the next higher-up person. "Climb the ladder, consumer!" says the Company. Then, When and If the company is finally forced to deal w/the consumers complaint they (the Co.) will. Likely, the consmer will drop the complaint long before they reach the second step of the ladder. Simply b-cuz it's all such a hassle. The point I want to make is don't be foolish. Ur a fish in a pond. Easily replaced. In the situation u've presented, U're actually being told to take on LESS responsibility and u're defending this as if it makes total sense. When it should offend ur sense and sensibilities. Just try putting urself in the shoes of one of ur upset and disgruntled consumers/customers that bothered to take the time to send u- the Customer Service Rep- an angry e-mail. Give urself the same response ur company is giving them. In fact, send a disgruntled complaint e-mail from a friends e-mail address or call one in from a different phone and witness how ur complaint is delt with by ur coworkers and company. See how ur complaint gets resolved. Starting from ur first phone call or e-mail to ur final outcome. In the Corporate world and elsewhere, u have to see ur role for what it is.
P.S. A few yrs ago B.P. Gas stations reported a startling profit from the coins pple left in the B.P.'s "Need a Penny, Take a Penny" jars. It was millions of dolllars accrued in the course of one year. Every penny counts- even if its in the form of one chocolate milkshake or one lost customer- it's all money and it makes a big difference, especially in the pockets of those running the business. Don't forget this fact. The pple above u know this. If u don't know this, u'll never be a real contender in the corporate or business world.