Cosmetic surgery

I'm a male, but around 20 yrs of age, not long after my schooling, i had surgery to "fix" a flaw that had been a major issue since a child. Problem is, i needed to have got that done about 10 years before that. So the damage was done, and i had my "complex", low self-esteem, etc, etc. But i think i would have need to have a few things surgically altered .. and back say in my pre-teen years. It would i think have "allowed" to develop better socially, although having various mental disorders/etc would probably have prevented that. Back then i did believe that others didn't like me due to my appearance. Now i know that i was mainly my personality that repelled them. If only i knew then what i know now...


Well-known member
Re: plastic

(I really wanted to use this gif because I find it fitting and pretty funny.)

hahah yes, that is quite funny, I wish mine were both! I don't mind a Prius haha.

It has been a long decision process, nearly 7 years, so now is just raising the funds. I think it will be beneficial to my SA and depression, not a cure all but definitely something that will increase my quality of life.


Well-known member
Maybe it's just me, but I try to live by the motto:

"If it ain't broke, don't fix it."

I hear of female genital mutilation and circumsion and it scares me that people are trying to cut up and "fix" body parts that are healthy to begin with. I saw a program a while back about a teenage girl who was born short, just below 5 feet. She wanted to be taller because her dream job's to be a flight attendant, so she intentionally had surgery to break both her legs and install metal rods inside. The whole time I was thinking, her legs were healthy to begin with, why did she had to go break them? I heard of handicapped people getting surgery to be able to walk again, but this girl is doing the opposite!

Being short myself, I do feel pressure to become taller, but in the end, decided not to go through with any surgery or injections. I want to become comfortable in my own skin, learn to accept myself for who I am. If you decide to go through with breast implants, just be aware of the complications and side effects.


Has anyone had cosmetic surgery in an attempt to curb their depression or to 'cure' their issues in a way? I'm steadily saving money for breast implants in order to actually be able to have a relationship in the future and not die alone. Was wondering if anyone has been though surgery?
... Who the hell wants someone staring at them while they die?

I'm totally planning on getting a rhododendron for when I die. Just the right amount of space to crawl under, curl up and wait for the end.

Oh... right... the topic....
Yes, some people have. No, I personally haven't.
I also personally reckon it is a ridiculous plan doomed to failure... but then my value judgements aren't exactly practical.

If you really want fake boobs... then get fake boobs... but I don't reckon they'll help you get a relationship (let alone a meaningful one).