concentration difficulty


Aye, but, it's not just tha amount ye eat, but what ye eat, too.

Ma mum wus always buyin' fizzy drink an' junk food jist coz she saw that it was on offer. Despite me sayin' no' tae bother since huv ate or drank whit she bought previously when wus on offer - more of the same.

Thaim supermarkets are sly, like - always temptin' ye with offers.

Ah mean, it's fine, if ye disregard tha fact tha supermarket offers are usually shite ye should only eat occassionally. But if ye want tae huv various health issues and fork oot money fur a super-coffin an' a burial plot a quarter o' tha size uh Hampden Park football stadium, be ma guest. Sorry fur tha wee joke there, but ye see whit ah'm gittin' at.

haha yeah I saw somethign on the news a while back about those oversized caskets...they practically look like king size beds...
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Ah know... Pretty hellish, innit?

well I guess its better than trying to cram someone into a coffin they dont fit into. imagine THAT....and then at the funeral it busts open from all the built-up pressure and everyone is screaming and crying like "oh jesus christ why!?!"...haha jk
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Well-known member
I think I have more concentration difficulties when I'm not really doing what I really like in my free time. I used to draw as a hobbie too and not just what I had to do to make money like I was doing until recently.
During those times It was easier for me to concentrate in classes of any course and sketch my ideas and design any project.
Gaming and going to the gym also helped me a lot. The more I worry about my problems and the less fun I have, the worst it gets to learn anything or to do my job.
I got tired of daydreaming too much because of this.


Well-known member
I have concentration difficulties too, but even more so I have difficulty remembering information. I pay attention in class, I take notes, I understand what is being given to me (for the most part), but if I am asked to describe something to someone (or often times just during a test), the information just seems to disappear. I either remember it and can't call that information, or the information is never stored.
I often times wonder if it is depression, or my brain injury. I never like to refer to myself as having one (I always put it in past tense since I've never seen any real effect of it), but I've been wondering if it has seriously affected my memory and whether I should go to the schools disability services.


Well-known member
I think with me; it's because I fret over remembering. I mean I can remember so many pointless things, like events that have happened to other people even when they don't remember it themselves. The difference between remembering pointless trivia and information I need must be that I'm stressing over making sure I learn it? That's what I've concluded anyway.