

New member
I'm a freshman in college now and would like to have more stuff to do and not be so bored whenever I have free time. Due to my anxiety I have virtually no friends now. Does anyone have advice on how to survive college with social phobia?


Well-known member
Play intramural sports. Most people suck anyways and just want to have fun and it gives you a weekly routine and agenda. I met 95% of my college friends through sports.


Well-known member
College must be hard to avoid social interaction all together. I would probably recommend joining something first off. It doesn't have to be a large gathering of a group, a small study group for a first step till you get used to it. Talk to the person you sit next to, small talk won't hurt. Ask them if they know of any clubs or something.
Study, study, study is a good way to waste time and I'm sure more opportunities will come to mind.
Buy an instrument, a small pet, take up making art, sports, hobbies. There is lots of option.

Roman Legion

Well-known member
Or if you are like me (and trying to kick my gaming addiction) you can use the internet for learning random things or even keep you mind busy by obsessively cleaning everything..


Well-known member
id suggest joining a club of some sort. though i myself have been too afriad to join anything, even anime club in which i have a friend from high school in...
but maybe you could lol.
maybe try to talk to someone in one of your classes.
for me, being in college has actually helped me a little because i was thrown into an environment where i had to interact with strangers i didnt know. through that ive gained a really good friend, who has introduced me to their friends. so thats how i met people

when im not hanging out with anyone, i pretty much sit at the library and do homework, draw, or waste time on the computers


Well-known member
I would definitely suggest facing your fear head on by joining a club. If you go to a University in the States I know there are plenty of them and you can surely find one that you are interested in. When I was in college I asked the same question all the time but was not willing to do what it took to break out of my shell....I hope you are willing to endure some anxiety in order to feel more comfortable around people in the end. Sitting back and playing the helpless victim got me no where in college and I was very lonely because of my own actions.....Take some initiative, endure some unwanted anxiety and go out of your comfort zone and I can assure you things will be better for you.