Clinically diagnosed or SELF Diagnosed??


I knew before my therapists did, though I didn't mention anything about this to them when they were evaluating me. Self-diagnosing helped me pinpoint my problem areas's kind of hard to explain what's wrong when you've been this way your entire life and have become so good at pretending to be just like everyone else!


Well-known member
Until now , Self

i'm still need to get the courage to go see a doctor - it's so weird, i'm afraid to see a doctor that could tell me how to get rid of being afraid of people ...
it explains a lot doesn't it?

But i really think people with problems to socialize must seek out help, i'm sure i'm not the worst case, since i've never had a panic attack... but it's privating me from my own life, the fear of seeing a doctor is just the tip of the iceberg - i've avoided going to the grocery store because i was ashamed of the people there.

you know, my mother have depression and i used to say: mom, it's a sickness you need to see a doctor , you need professional help.
And now i'm in the exact same position.


Active member
I'm self diagnosed..Getting clinically diagnosed requires actually talking to someone right? =/


New member
I'm also self diagnosed. How do you get the courage to talk to a doctor about it?
The sad thing is I study medicine, know with certainty what psychiatric disorders I have, and am still too uneasy to get therapeutic help, even though I am taught what to say to patients with the same problems and how to help them. Pretty fucked up.

My anxiety interferes with my sleep and daily functioning. But in any case, I don't want meds in case they diminish my motivation + concentration, etc.


Well-known member
Self diagnosed by the magic of the internet! I knew there was something wrong with me even as a kid but i decided to look up 'social anxiety' on wikipedia and the description fitted me to a t. It doesn't really take a professional to diagnose anxiety/depression...You know for sure when something isn't quite right. Anyway i went to my Dr about my anxiety/depression a bit over a year ago for the first time as i felt too ashamed for years to seek help, and he put me on meds.


well in my case obviously self diagnosed i mean, just the idea of getting to meet a doctor or that stuff gives me panic... hahaha


Well-known member
Self - I imagine most people are self-diagnosed as they are just worried of being blown off by the doctor, saying theres nothing wrong with them, like everybody else does.... :oops: :x


Active member
clinically. Also had been diagnosed with dysthymia, GAD, PTSD.

Other clinical labels that haven't stuck- Bipolar II and ADHD.

The ADHD sometimes made sense though I don't I have a true form. I acted ADHD when I was extremely stressed but in my unstressed state I am pretty calm.
I haven't been diagnosed with SA but of all the anxiety disorders/personality disorders/psychological problems, SA fits me the best. I want to know for sure though from a professional.


Active member
first partially self-diagnosed as shy, then semi-clinically(social fear of failure), then self-diagnosed as socially phobic


Well-known member
self-diagnosed with SA

edit: clinically diagnosed in March 2009. apparently i have selective mutism, which is even worse than SA. great.
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