Chase love or be chased?


Well-known member
It dont work on me because ive never been chased! I think i do those three things a lot of the time but still dont get noticed. Ive come to realise im not physically attractive enough to have a girlfriend ::(: so ive sort of learned to accept it in a way

This is what I've been preaching about earlier in this thread. Women don't have to make the first move because men make the first most of the time. You have to talk to them to make yourself noticed, or you will rarely get noticed, and may never get noticed. Talking is far more important than looks when you are a guy unless you happen to be some famous person like a professional athlete which most people aren't. Pretty much any guy can find a g/f if he tries to talk to them again and again. But if you never initiate conversation, you will probably be alone for a long time. I know it sucks, but that's how it works for guys in most cases. Talk or be lonely.


Well-known member
If I know the guy is worth it, I would chase him... But most likely I'll end up confessing (if he has shown some interest) as chasing is too much effort. I'm such a lazy person. :rolleyes: Being a shy girl, I prefer to be chased. Unfortunately the guys who do chase me, I am never into them. However I rarely fall in love or have any interest in a guy anyway.......


Well-known member
I do agree with the money attracting girls, if you unknowingly spend at the shops then girls assume you have a bit of money to burn. I also agree witht he musician or talnt side of things. If you are a guy with a cool talent then a girl will really find that appealing.

Also personality and being funny can make you very attractive.

I think that guys who are sort of harmless looking are more likely to be chased because they are perceived to be "nice" unless a girl wants only a physical relationship then they will chase someone a bit more well built.

there are lots of reasons why certain people chase other people.


Well-known member
I've always been the one to "chase love". Never had a woman ask me out before.
I'm the type of guy who likes to dress nice and smell nice all the time and I'm always courteous.
Attitude and personality matters the most though in my opinion.


Well-known member
How courteous you are and how great your attitude is meaningless if you never try to start conversations with women.


Well-known member
Well duh. I didn't say I never talk to women.

Neither did I. From your first quote I assumed you thought attitude and courtesy were important than initiating conversation. I was showing that initiating conversation is the most important thing a guy has to do if he wants to find a woman.