Can people subconciously read your mind?


Well-known member
Is it possible for someone to unconsciously sense your thoughts, nervousness, or anxiety through their subconscious mind without them being aware they are doing so? For example, if you are in a room and have a neighbor who can't see or hear you but you still have a lot of anxiety about them for no reason, do you think it's possible they could unconsciously know you are anxious about them via their subconscious mind?


Well-known member
Only if your physical actions and reactions show those emotions. People can tell that you're sad if you look sad, etc. They cannot guess how you're feeling or read your mind.


Well-known member
I'd say yes to your first question, but no to your example. People have to see or hear you to be able to subconsciously sense how you're feeling. I mean, it should be obvious that people can do this. How you feel comes through in all of your communication, verbally and non-verbally. The more intense these feelings are, the harder it is to hide them. So, if you're feeling super anxious and nervous (say a 9 out of 10), then you're going to start saying and doing things that communicate to the other person how you're feeling. Consciously or subconsciously, they will sense this. If you're just feeling a little nervous/anxious (say a 3 out of 10), then it will come through less and it's more likely that they either won't detect these feelings or they will on the subconscious level.


Well-known member
I ask this question because i usually feel people can read my mind. There have been posts here from others who have the same problem.
I honestly don't know how i will get over this. But i just started working on getting over it so that's a good thing. I try to tell myself if they could read my mind then i should be able to do the same. This only brings low relief because my mind doesn't believe it.


Well-known member
If a person is very perceptive or an empath, they might be able to read emotions but that's it.


Well-known member
There are some articles that say we can sometimes sense some emotions without actively noticing it, but it isn't mind reading. People cheat on each other without the other having no clue about it, that basically says we can't read minds. Only some perception and empathy here and then.
Is it possible for someone to unconsciously sense your thoughts, nervousness, or anxiety through their subconscious mind without them being aware they are doing so? For example, if you are in a room and have a neighbor who can't see or hear you but you still have a lot of anxiety about them for no reason, do you think it's possible they could unconsciously know you are anxious about them via their subconscious mind?

No, they can't. Its not possible

What you could possibly work on is not caring about what your neighbours think? Otherwise you are thinking yourself into a mental trap where you're worrying about something you have no control over


Well-known member
It's very possible if one is an empath. I can sense people at any distance just by you giving me a name. Some people say it is being psychic. Can I do this all the time? No. I have many friends who can do this also. So, yes it's all very possible.

The other thing you need to ponder is this your anxiety talking or thinking. Is it possible you are having intrusive thoughts or feeling paranoid.


Well-known member
My anxiety can do a Jedi mind trick. "I am going to piss you off now." I'm very good at it.