I attempted to do that multi quote thing and failed miserably!
Anyway..I totally agree bullying is awful and totally ****s people up...but I don't think your viewing the world in a very realistic manner..
harrassment and assault in adult life are are extreme legal implications to severe actions, they dont touch on the genreal daily bullying that grown ups experience just as much as kids.
In my school there was massive info and policies against bullying, which made little difference....the reason; this is how they select their targets and why they are normally 'weaker' and quieter with fewer friends and so the bullies get away with it. Also in reality when a pupil involves a teacher or parent this seems to escalate the situation...you can't monitor the victim 24 hours a day.
Generally standing up for yourself also just tends to make the water hotter....so its not that people 'accept' this behaviour..it is that sometimes remaining quiet does actually lessen the impact. If they dont get a reaction, sometimes its not do fun to pick on you...I found the people in school that reacted the most....ended up the ones where the bullying turned phyiscal.
I agree with cynic that yes its shitty thats its a superficial world, but it is! Of course you have to find real value in things that are much more important...but if you want to be a part of mass society then to some extent you have to buy into this. Im not saying this is right, its just the way it is. If your happy not to be a part of this, great. But I also dont think you should be made to feel bad if some of these superficial things do bring you pleasure or fun even for a short time, because life is short.
I haven't found that uni is any different than school in terms of allowing you to be individuals now that your adults, i've found that you have to like drinking, you have to like socialising, you have to be willing to speak up (or you get bad grades) and to some extent in order to 'fit in', which im not saying people necessarily want to do, but if you do, you have to conform to a certain extent. I even at this very moment feel bullied by one of my professors because he wants me to talk more....
I dont believe the adult world is any different regards bullying, people just learn to be more subtle about it.
You definitely have to concentrate on what you think of yourself and not others....but this is very hard. Ultimately if feels really good to make others happy, to be appreciated and to be loved....I think it is natural to want to be liked.
I was bullied most of my life and i dont believe it was because they were jealous or insecure...i think that i was quiet and uncool...therefore it was cool not to like me and it was easy to bully me.
Sorry this wasn't meant as a moan about your post....it just seemed very idealistic and presumed that people didn't care about bullying even though I think many suffer it in some form in their daily lives.
There will always be those that are dominant (and like to flex this power) and those that are more submissive. I hate to say it but I think this behaviour is built in....society won't change that dramatically.