Brainstorm: Positive Chants


Well-known member
Hello :) Lets brainstorm some positive phrases or realizations that we can repeat that can make us feel better about ourselves...
Today Im really liking
I do not exist as what people say I am

Your turn!


Pirate from the North Pole

Just G

Well-known member
"I'm a rock star."

"Women find me attractive."

"This is about the process, not the result."

"It's ok if I **** up, I'll only learn and become better for it."

"I can accept failure, but I cannot accept not trying."


Well-known member
I loveeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee that one! I do not exist as people see me. Perfecccccccct, so perfect.

I take a lot of mine from songs, really.

Let it be
All if full of love
All things must pass
Que sera, sera

Lately I've been trying to think "project" also. Like, getting what's inside of me out there to be seen.