boys only (room 2):D


Well-known member
oh my Goooood azurro!! you seem pretty damn sure of yourself to be chatting it up on a SA forum!! haha.. and like i said, the guys still haven't said anything to make this a DUDE thread.. the girl one was that way because we were talking about periods.. how much do guys know about experiencing the menstrual cycle? haha


Active member
haha i have confidence in myself, yeah im kinda shy but is nothing extreme like some people here but i sympathize with them. I know nothing about menstrual cycles haha
well i have tried to pick up girls in the past and i have been successful sometimes, maybe because they find me attractive, but like i said im shy .. some girls don't like shy guys


Active member
not to toot my horn or anything but i consider myself fairly good looking, better than average that's for sure, that helps me a little bit maybe, is easier to approach women because of that
we humans are like that we are more receptive to good looking people
but like i said some girls do not like guys that are shy and quiet, some girls do .. like my girlfriend


not to toot my horn or anything but i consider myself fairly good looking, better than average that's for sure, that helps me a little bit maybe, is easier to approach women because of that
we humans are like that we are more receptive to good looking people
but like i said some girls do not like guys that are shy and quiet, some girls do .. like my girlfriend

lol you should post more pictures


how much do guys know about experiencing the menstrual cycle? haha

Too much,Well I have experienced the fallout and back lash. :D but me making her a brew,a hot water bottle and nipping out to get some chocolate would sometimes stop one my ex's crucifying me on the spot.

I highly suggest this method to other guys :D


Active member
due to popular request(jake) haha .... behold my pics :D




ok 3 pics enough .. dont want to saturate the forum too much haha


ahh she nothing compaird to the brazillian girl that made me so happy but then also broke my heart :(


Well-known member
ahh she nothing compaird to the brazillian girl that made me so happy but then also broke my heart :(

Whoa then I understand completely.... But dude, lets take a look at her when she is 80 years old... I will bet money she won't look anything like she does now... That's the shyte with beauty it's only skin deep, and once that fades with time, then what? All you are left with is a pile of wrinkles, cellulite and a horrible personality that will make her seem more like the wicked witch of the West... You're better off without her mate! Fk her if she can't see how great of a guy you really are...