Boring as hell.


Since I stopped school, I totally isolate myself. I make my days boring as hell.
I only am sitting in front of the laptop all day.. You can say i stare in front of the computer like lots of hours a day. It's ridiculus.
And I HATE it. But I have no motivation.
I wish I had a hobby or something. Well, I love singing, that's the only thing. That's what I spent time on too, But the laptop is just an addiction. :/
But I just don't get out of my place and just do the same routine over and over again. I'm addicted to this stupid machine. Well it's not stupid though.
But I really wish I could do something useful. Cuz this is just insane.
I'm happy the next week I will have to intake's, conversations at organisations who can offer some help for my SA. But I still feel no hope.
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You can learn new languages, skills, do art, write... etc on the laptop. Or just go for exercise. I just stretch at home these days due to the frequent rains. Hmm... I know the feeling of not getting anything useful done for long periods of time. You just have to try picking something you find enjoyable (if only slightly) and at the same time useful.


I could also challenge you to try something new that makes you go outside. Like hiking or birdwatching. I was thinking of trying that out myself yesterday when I was on my porch and saw all the beautiful birds that were out.
I could also challenge you to try something new that makes you go outside. Like hiking or birdwatching. I was thinking of trying that out myself yesterday when I was on my porch and saw all the beautiful birds that were out.

That's a great idea thank you. I will go mountainebiking more.
The sun is shining so..Or maybe I should go skateboarding.. learn some tricks again.. =) Thank you for the idea..
It's much better then staying inside all the time


Well-known member
Singing lessons, lots of fun! :D I've gone through little bouts of being addicted to forums/chat rooms. I'm not quite sure what broke the addiction....I think just not getting on for a long time, then when I finally did again I didn't care as much.

Since I stopped school...
Did you stop school because of SA/SP?

I would say that the key thing is to get out of the house.
Isolation can be a hard thing to break once you have gotten used to it.
I mean it's hard enough already when suffering from anxiety or a phobia.
Do not make it harder for yourself and do not give up :D


Well-known member

Since I stopped school, I totally isolate myself. I make my days boring as hell.
I only am sitting in front of the laptop all day.. You can say i stare in front of the computer like lots of hours a day. It's ridiculus.
And I HATE it. But I have no motivation.
I wish I had a hobby or something. Well, I love singing, that's the only thing. That's what I spent time on too, But the laptop is just an addiction. :/
But I just don't get out of my place and just do the same routine over and over again. I'm addicted to this stupid machine. Well it's not stupid though.
But I really wish I could do something useful. Cuz this is just insane.
I'm happy the next week I will have to intake's, conversations at organisations who can offer some help for my SA. But I still feel no hope.

I'm in the same boat as you for the most part. I'm not so much stuck to the computer, but I feel I don't do enough productive things during the day. It's not that I can't think of anything to do, I can. However the motivation to get out and do these things is what I'm lacking at the moment.


Well-known member
This is me. I could have written that myself! I know how you feel, with the no motivation thing. I just wish something would click and i'd do something about it.


Well-known member
i've felt like this and still feel this way a lot.... but the thing is, i'm the one who has the full ability to change that. so are you.

get up one day and find random crap to do, just for the hell of it. that's what i'm working on, but discipline is something i was never reall taught when it was important. i was never forced to do anything i didn't want to do, so now i just sit around all day unless i feel bad enough to motivate myself to do something, haha...

so i guess we just gotta get up off our butts, since we're the ones in control anyway, haha :D
Did you stop school because of SA/SP?

I would say that the key thing is to get out of the house.
Isolation can be a hard thing to break once you have gotten used to it.
I mean it's hard enough already when suffering from anxiety or a phobia.
Do not make it harder for yourself and do not give up :D

Yep, I'm afraid of going to school.
But sometimes I think I can handle it again. Cuz I get stronger day by day against my anxiety problems. But I don't wanna try yet cuz I don't wanna mess it up. So i'm waiting for help first, first want to be sure that I can handle it.

And ur right, I shouldn't make it harder, but it's the way I did become, I can't change the presence right now. I just got myself into this situation. Well, the bastard called SA did it , but that's myself too so. :/

But I'm happy I don't have down moments that much anymore, I feel like I Accept my situation more and more, because I just can't help it.
Life goes the way It goes.. I can't change myself.
But sometimes I have those down moments, that I will feel sad and thinking of all the dissabilities of myself.
Pretty not good I know. But it gets less.
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Well-known member

Since I stopped school, I totally isolate myself. I make my days boring as hell.
I only am sitting in front of the laptop all day.. You can say i stare in front of the computer like lots of hours a day. It's ridiculus.
And I HATE it. But I have no motivation.
I wish I had a hobby or something. Well, I love singing, that's the only thing. That's what I spent time on too, But the laptop is just an addiction. :/
But I just don't get out of my place and just do the same routine over and over again. I'm addicted to this stupid machine. Well it's not stupid though.
But I really wish I could do something useful. Cuz this is just insane.
I'm happy the next week I will have to intake's, conversations at organisations who can offer some help for my SA. But I still feel no hope.

I think many people with SAD are in the same situations as yours because we are afraid of going outside and prefer staying inside
My life is boring too. Almost every single day of mine is the same. Go to school, then go home, eat, do HW , internet + sleep,... like a machine.
And almost every weekend I stay at home. To kill the time, I draw, play guitar, play games, listen to music,... When I was in secondary school I had nothing to do so I only studied and studied so I became the best student of my school but people always thought I was a crazy nerd cause I never talked. But now I have more hobbies so I have more things to do when Im boring. And yeah there are days I stare in front of my laptop for lots of hours without actually doing anything.
I dont know why but sometimes I wake up and have the motivation to go out so I take the chance to hang out with my friends on those days. But its really rare :))


I picked up running as a hobby/competitive sport. Helps me forget about myself. If I realize I'm being self conscious, I know I'm not pushing myself hard enough:)! Works like a charm and, as a kicker, I got pretty good.


Well-known member
You just have to figure out what interests you, then maybe use that as a means of expanding your world.