Best way to calm down


Well-known member
So anyone who read my previous thread saw that I'm ultra stressed out right now. I haven't slept or eaten well today and all the relaxing music, movies and walking isn't working. Anyone has a trick or drink something or take something ( hopefully legal) to relieve some of that extreme stress. I know that in a few days i'll be fine but I don't want to have another panic attack like last night


Well-known member
drink cocoa? (I use milk + baking powder cocoa, no sugar) it has a bit caffeine, so not ideal for before sleep
any food with magnesium (eg leafy greens) or omega 3 (eg oily fish like sardines, flaxseed, hempseed)
calcium is anti-stress too, so any other food with calcium (maybe sesame if you're allergic to dairy?)
B vitamins

hot shower or such?

journalling (ideally CBT-supported) or writing really BAD country/'emo crap' songs can help too??
(or maybe you could try RAP? hm?!)

for me, it someitmes helps to write down 'worst case scenarios' and ways to avoid them or what to do if they might happen or might be true... The Feeling Good Handbook gives you ideas how to deal with that CBT-way... oe maybe some sites online or other books on ACT or CBT too..

maybe try to imagine how in 50 years it will be irrelevant and/or you will laugh about it? (Even if it feels IMPOSSIBLE now!!)
or how in comparison to intergalactic peace it's just... err, irrelevant?

I think your thread may even help some younger/other people on this forum too...

hope things get better...
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Well-known member
drink cocoa? (I use milk + baking powder cocoa, no sugar) it has a bit caffeine, so not ideal for before sleep
any food with magnesium (eg leafy greens) or omega 3 (eg oily fish like sardines, flaxseed, hempseed)
calcium is anti-stress too, so any other food with calcium (maybe sesame if you're allergic to dairy?)
B vitamins

hot shower or such?

journalling (ideally CBT-supported) or writing really BAD country/'emo crap' songs can help too??
(or maybe you could try RAP? hm?!)

for me, it someitmes helps to write down 'worst case scenarios' and ways to avoid them or what to do if they might happen or might be true... The Feeling Good Handbook gives you ideas how to deal with that CBT-way... oe maybe some sites online or other books on ACT or CBT too..

maybe try to imagine how in 50 years it will be irrelevant and/or you will laugh about it?
or how in comparison to intergalactic peace it's just... err, irrelevant?

hope things get better...

thanks for the reply, i just took omega 3 fish oil that i have, also took some tums full of calcium, probably gonna wash it down with some milk later. Blasting some rap music as we speak. Thanks a lot i'm sure it will help and my problem sure is irrelevant compare to intergalactic peace :D
Alcohol - instant calm-down (and it's legal) :)

Try to take on this mindset (it'll help a lot with stress):

If there is something that you can do about what is stressing you, then do it; if there isn't, accept that you can't do anything about it anyway so why stress yourself about it? and move on. Simple, but it's true and it works :).

Also, there's an arizona herbal tea that you can buy called "rx stress" or "rx energy", I've noticed that those help A LOT with stress (take it away pretty much). But I only drink those when I really need them (they get me super energetic and I have trouble sleeping.)
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B R E A T H E & if possible watch the night sky :) you'll be okay :) I would actually scream & curse the air as if I'm not alone or the steering wheel :)


Well-known member
I'd try meditation, breathing, muscle relaxation, music visualization etc. before hitting the booze =D But takes practice and consistency to really notice a difference something I'm bad at.


Well-known member
tea is proven to calm people

if it's legal where you are, weed is an excellent anti-stresser

alcohol might be a bad choice


Well-known member
I second the relaxed breathing and minfullness meditation. It is worth seeing a therapist to show you how.