Ok, you said you didn't think we were biologically "meant to do those things". I took that to mean, the desire to have sex since that was what my post was talking about. Someone made the statement that we weren't meant to be monogamous, thats why it is so hard, to do it. You said that you didn't buy it, and that it was weak. While I do not by it as an excuse to be unfaithful, I do believe that it is true that biologically we have instincts programmed into us. People that try to excuse their cheating on this argument, are full of it and dishonerable. It is not so difficult to ignore your primitive instincts. However our primitive instincts are there.
There are many promiscuous people out there. You said that there was always a phsycological reason behind it. I took this to mean a problem causing it, because you went on to talk about brainwashing and society. There is a phsycological reason for all our behavior, and peoples sexual practices are made up of their sex drive, and their phsycological expierience's. Believe me, I would be kidding myself if I were to say that all promiscuous people were doing great and had no issues and problems that were causing it. I have seen some seriously screwed up people doing some seriously screwed up things. Promiscuity can be a symptom of all kinds of problems, as I am sure you know. But like I said a lot of other people, who are promiscuous, are just people having fun. Sex is recreation to them. They like the whole process, the chase, the sex, everything. Other people look down on this, because they either are bitter or jealous about it, or because it goes against their morals. Either way, it always irritates me when people try and push their views about sex on other people. Like I said, if you want to be monogamous, that's great!! If you want be promiscuous, good for you. If you want to marry your goat, hey who am I to judge!
Why am I mixing sex and war? I didn't, you did.
As for gay people. I brought that up because you said that you didn't think we were biologically inclined for promiscuity, and that people were molded by society, and that we needed to find ways to cope. Implying that promiscuity was a way of coping with the pressures of society (which it sometimes very much is!!). I was asking if you thought homosexuality was as well. Some people think that homosexuality is a problem, that it is a brainwashing, that can be reversed.
Yes all gay people sleep around.

The coping thing. Here we can agree. After reading your response to this one, I got no issues with what you are saying. It seemed like with your first post, that you were taking the route of blaming society. That is never a good thing. It is a copout, and counterproductive. But your right. Statistics show mental disorders and illness's rising exponentially in these times. The fast paced, media driven, lifestyle obsessed modern world is full of pressures real and imagined. A lot of intelligent, sensitive people are deeply troubled by it.
When you are faced with combat, your brain sends messages to your body. You seem very intelligent so I am sure you have heard of fight or flight. Your body literally gets stronger and faster. Adrenaline pumps through your body, getting you ready to either run like hell to escape, or crush your enemy. I was really only bringing this up, because my original post was about ignoring our "biological makeup" as it no longer applies to a great many things in modern life. Like I said we don't need to populate the earth, and violence is completely useless now. As for me using biology all the mean on this thread? As I recall, I brought study after study, and my esteemed debate partner, brought one theory, which when I researched it, found did not back up his arguments at all. I do look at the social sciences, but I don't give them as much merit as the others. There is too much room for debate in the social sciences. There is less concrete fact and much more conjecture. Ever been in a room full of phsyc. majors? It can get pretty funny, all the arguing, and theory's.