Being Bullied at Work

I've been working this job for two months. My sixty-something year old boss, who should have himself under control at his ripe age, has terrible anger issues. He constantly talks down to me. About a week ago, he kicked a garbage can at me then made me clean it up. I didn't have it in me to stand up to him. I honestly can't put up with it much longer. I cried the entire way home and ended up breaking my steering wheel and bruising my hand from punching it too hard too many times. I'm scared of eventually hurting someone after my anger churns inside me long enough. I just don't have the courage to stand up for myself.
I've learned that I'm perfectly fine in a social environment in which I'm as equally respected as everyone else around me; however, in an environment like I'm dealing with currently, I get depressed and can't focus on anything else. My parents told me to quit and look for a better job while I focus my attention on school, but because I'm a full-grown twenty-one year old man, I would feel like a total loser. I would love to punch my boss square in the face, or kick him in the you-know-what; however, I'd love nothing more than to have some peace and be offered the respect I offer others. It seems like people are so ready to bite others' heads' off and spit them out, without a second thought. I think I'm probably hopeless. *sigh* ::(:
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Well-known member
Ya, I'm kinda in the same position, but now I just don't care. Anyways, the only thing that keeps me in the job I'm in now is knowing I'm not going to stuck there forever. It's just money to get through school. No one else matters because they don't know the real you. You're parents are right, things will get better once you get your education. People will be a lot more professional and less ignorant when you get a better job after school.
Ya, I'm kinda in the same position, but now I just don't care. Anyways, the only thing that keeps me in the job I'm in now is knowing I'm not going to stuck there forever. It's just money to get through school. No one else matters because they don't know the real you. You're parents are right, things will get better once you get your education. People will be a lot more professional and less ignorant when you get a better job after school.

I know. I can't wait until this phase of my life is over. What sucks is the fact that I rarely get paid more than $100/week. It barely pays for gas to go to school and work. But, that's the only thing I could find, and I took it.


Well-known member
is there anyone you can report him to?. I dont know where your from, but here that is totally not acceptable.


Well-known member
It sucks doesn't it? You'd think after junior high and high school all the bullying is over, right? No, it gets worse when you have to work a job with insecure people who get off by putting down the shy guy. I actually quit a job right when my boss started bullying me and calling me retarded. I guess I'd rather be homeless than be some bully's toy.
is there anyone you can report him to?. I dont know where your from, but here that is totally not acceptable.

I don't think so. The two men who run the place are brothers. They both have anger problems and disrespect the people who work for them. I've only been there two months and already see how the girls there are verbally assaulted with perverted comments and, with the exception of the outspoken, easily-pi**ed-off nineteen-year-old male delinquent, the guys are bullied. I, however, cannot handle it the same way most of them do.

Sea Bass

Well-known member
I've been working this job for two months. My sixty-something year old boss, who should have himself under control at his ripe age, has terrible anger issues. He constantly talks down to me. About a week ago, he kicked a garbage can at me then made me clean it up. I didn't have it in me to stand up to him. I honestly can't put up with it much longer. I cried the entire way home and ended up breaking my steering wheel and bruising my hand from punching it too hard too many times. I'm scared of eventually hurting someone after my anger churns inside me long enough. I just don't have the courage to stand up for myself.
I've learned that I'm perfectly fine in a social environment in which I'm as equally respected as everyone else around me; however, in an environment like I'm dealing with currently, I get depressed and can't focus on anything else. My parents told me to quit and look for a better job while I focus my attention on school, but because I'm a full-grown twenty-one year old man, I would feel like a total loser. I would love to punch my boss square in the face, or kick him in the you-know-what; however, I'd love nothing more than to have some peace and be offered the respect I offer others. It seems like people are so ready to bite others' heads' off and spit them out, without a second thought. I think I'm probably hopeless. *sigh* ::(:

If I were you, and you're job isn't that important, I would tell that cranky piece of sh*t old bast**d to suck my d*ck real gooood and not to forget to clean up after wards and walk out. I wouldn't worry so much about him reporting anything. He knows what he is doing is wrong.


Well-known member
alright. no offense, but what you guys are saying really grinds my gears. wth?? your bosses treat you like slaves. there is no way that it's acceptable. sa or not, youre a human being. & you deserve to be treated with respect.
lemme tell you something, i work in a drugstore, just as a cashier. last year, we had a manager, who, i swear, was on menopause. she out right hated everyone. & made the workers lives miserable. she wasn't even the head manager, or even the assistant manager! just an extra manager to cover shifts. one day, i was scheduled to work for 8 hrs straight. an hr before i was supposed to get off, one of my co-worker friends came in to work in another department. he was having a terrible day already & the biznatch manager was bossing him around as soon as he walked in the door. well, he wasn't having it & started talking back to her & refusing to listen to her at all. & after she left, i told him that he cant do that, it'll only get him in trouble...& she heard us talking & rushed over to yell at us.
i went into the stock room to throw some boxes out & my co worker went in to get some stuff. & of course, there's 2 people in the stock room, doing their thing, so we continued talking about it. all of a sudden, she rushed in, started yelling at ME (i was defending the female dog!). she then told me to get my stuff & punch out. & then left. im like, ok, she's kidding. so i went back to my department and continued doing what i had to do before my shift was over. she noticed that i hadn't left, rushed over, literally got INTO MY FACE & started screaming at me. she was so close that i could see her friggin pores in her face. this continued for about 5min. i was practically crying. she told me i was talking back to her & not following orders & that our head manager was going to hear about it. know what i said? "good, i hope he hears about it, because he will definitely hear about YOU."
then i punched out, walked out of the store & sat in my car crying for a good 15min, till i drove home & cried there.
& you know what? 2 days later, i went in to the store, told my head manager that she made me cry! she didn't even know that i was the one defending the biznatch! but somehow, i was at fault. as if i'm not allowed to speak to ANYONE while im on the clock. nice work commeraderie, huh?
& guess what? i never got an apology from her, but i swear, she NEVER ever talked that way to me again.
you're an employee. you have rights. talk to your boss. or if you're not comfortable with that, talk to your boss's boss. hun, companies are TERRIFIED of lawsuits of harassment from their employees. one word from you, you'll never get disrespected again. & you know what? you DESERVE respect. you give your time & abilities to the company. respect is the least they can give you.


Well-known member
Wow, that sucks. I have no idea where you work, but that's just totally unacceptable. I would def. quit and focus much more on education. Maybe you could take out some student loans to pay for school? Just a guess as I'm pretty inexperienced with this still since I'm in my last year of high school and will be starting college in the fall. Also, there must be some way you could report this behavoir. I mean, the guy treats you like crap and gives perverted comments towards women too? That's just flat out wrong. I really don't know how your other workers handle it, but I know I'd probably feel just as bad as you.
alright. no offense, but what you guys are saying really grinds my gears. wth?? your bosses treat you like slaves. there is no way that it's acceptable. sa or not, youre a human being. & you deserve to be treated with respect.
lemme tell you something, i work in a drugstore, just as a cashier. last year, we had a manager, who, i swear, was on menopause. she out right hated everyone. & made the workers lives miserable. she wasn't even the head manager, or even the assistant manager! just an extra manager to cover shifts. one day, i was scheduled to work for 8 hrs straight. an hr before i was supposed to get off, one of my co-worker friends came in to work in another department. he was having a terrible day already & the biznatch manager was bossing him around as soon as he walked in the door. well, he wasn't having it & started talking back to her & refusing to listen to her at all. & after she left, i told him that he cant do that, it'll only get him in trouble...& she heard us talking & rushed over to yell at us.
i went into the stock room to throw some boxes out & my co worker went in to get some stuff. & of course, there's 2 people in the stock room, doing their thing, so we continued talking about it. all of a sudden, she rushed in, started yelling at ME (i was defending the female dog!). she then told me to get my stuff & punch out. & then left. im like, ok, she's kidding. so i went back to my department and continued doing what i had to do before my shift was over. she noticed that i hadn't left, rushed over, literally got INTO MY FACE & started screaming at me. she was so close that i could see her friggin pores in her face. this continued for about 5min. i was practically crying. she told me i was talking back to her & not following orders & that our head manager was going to hear about it. know what i said? "good, i hope he hears about it, because he will definitely hear about YOU."
then i punched out, walked out of the store & sat in my car crying for a good 15min, till i drove home & cried there.
& you know what? 2 days later, i went in to the store, told my head manager that she made me cry! she didn't even know that i was the one defending the biznatch! but somehow, i was at fault. as if i'm not allowed to speak to ANYONE while im on the clock. nice work commeraderie, huh?
& guess what? i never got an apology from her, but i swear, she NEVER ever talked that way to me again.
you're an employee. you have rights. talk to your boss. or if you're not comfortable with that, talk to your boss's boss. hun, companies are TERRIFIED of lawsuits of harassment from their employees. one word from you, you'll never get disrespected again. & you know what? you DESERVE respect. you give your time & abilities to the company. respect is the least they can give you.

I'm sorry that happened to you. Noone deserves that. =/ However, the only two bosses I have are brothers and they both act the same way. It's a family-owned restaurant that's been in business for years. I've always heard bad things about them, but I really wanted a job and they were hiring on the spot. Once I got hired, one of the guys I work with told me about three different guys who walked out without notice just in the past 6 months. One guy got cussed out because he WRAPPED A POTATO IN ALUMINUM FOIL THE WRONG WAY. I understand having your work critiqued, but there's a difference between tyranny and positive criticism.
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Well-known member
I repeat Sea Bass's words.

I think you're better off following your parents words. If you're still studying (I assume you are), letting your job take over your emotions like that will affect your education. This is why I work during my holidays because working and studying at the same time is too stressful for me. But if you can manage then just find another job in the meantime.
If I were you, and you're job isn't that important, I would tell that cranky piece of sh*t old bast**d to suck my d*ck real gooood and not to forget to clean up after wards and walk out. I wouldn't worry so much about him reporting anything. He knows what he is doing is wrong.

HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA. I might just do that the day I quit. :D
ありがとう;398664 said:
I repeat Sea Bass's words.

I think you're better off following your parents words. If you're still studying (I assume you are), letting your job take over your emotions like that will affect your education. This is why I work during my holidays because working and studying at the same time is too stressful for me. But if you can manage then just find another job in the meantime.

Yes, I'm still studying. The new semester starts next Friday, actually.


Well-known member
I'm sorry that happened to you. Noone deserves that. =/ However, the only two bosses I have are brothers and they both act the same way. It's a family-owned restaurant that's been in business for years. I've always heard bad things about them, but I really wanted a job and they were hiring on the spot. Once I got hired, one of the guys I work with told me about three different guys who walked out without notice just in the past 6 months. One guy got cussed out because he WRAPPED A POTATO IN ALUMINUM FOIL THE WRONG WAY. I understand having your work critiqued, but there's a difference between tyranny and positive criticism.

but if you understand that, why do you force yourself to deal with this bs. hear me when i say this: you are not alone. from what youre describing, i bet everyone who works with you feels the same way. imagine if you all got together & petitioned, heck, even sued him. you'd all be set for life. you have options. dont think you dont.
but if you understand that, why do you force yourself to deal with this bs. hear me when i say this: you are not alone. from what youre describing, i bet everyone who works with you feels the same way. imagine if you all got together & petitioned, heck, even sued him. you'd all be set for life. you have options. dont think you dont.

Oh, I've certainly thought about it. I'd love to see those old men eat everything they've dished out to other people all these years. I don't know how they'd get away with anything they've done. I just have to find the right way to go about it.


Well-known member
@Seabass haha u will not because u will be to much scared to say it i think:D with anxiety isnt that easy but if u will be confident this is other song:D but definetly was funny what u said.

Nathan i agree with Lone gunman:) But if is private firma and they are owners i guess u cant do it nothing much. Maybe if u will try talk with your co-workers and try to figure out what to do with bosses that they stop it and will not mess with workers around. Really thats to much and must be solved. Maybe record them on the tape and send to major of city haha. I have to much fantasy he couldnt do it with that to much also. I dont know if some law there about it or something in contract maybe? Just try it maybe write some letter to some importand person wich can later check out that place like a spy. I guess this isnt that easy as i imagine i know. Just try the soonest find other job and rid of that people this will be the best!!
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Well-known member
You've to stand up for yourself if you don't want to be bullied. My mom used to bully me with verbal abuse. When my patience reached its limit, I yelled back at her and said nasty things to her like she always did to me. Sure I got kicked out from her house for about a month, but then she called me back and wanted me to live in her house again. After that, she never ever abuse me again, because she knows that I'm not going to just roll over whenever she tries to bully me.


Well-known member
I have to agree with exquisite. You are a human being, and no one deserves to be treated like that. I put up with a job for almost 5 yrs where i was bullied, humiliated, and berated daily. At 24 i had the blood pressure of an unhealthy 60 yr old. it took my doctor telling me that if i didnt leave he was going to be concerned about my lifespan, he warned i could have a heart attack 24!!!

man, whether its the only job you can find or not, there HAVE to be other jobs, this isnt worth what your going through.