Being a "regular" at a store..

Same here, i try use a different checker each time

and I HATE when i don't know where something is. the walking around aimlessly, not being able to find it, and finally having to ask someone is the worst Especially if i walked past it 100 times and didn't see it.


Well-known member
I remember eating at a cafe on lunch breaks and i think one of the girls who worked there must have assumed i liked her because i say "thank you" and smile when they bring the meal over, i just went there so i could eat a fresh meal for lunch and i could overhear her talking to the head cook something like "i think that guy over there likes me, sly giggles" ...and i just sat there thinking you can't do anything without someone falsely judging you. I had never even pondered that before and wanted to eat in privacy while i read the paper. So i don't go there much now. There is a lot of outside assumptions and crap that goes on that really shouldn't go on.

hey worrywort, have you heard suppercollider yet?! it's really cool.
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Well-known member
I buy my groceries in small quantities too, so I end up going to the same grocery store a lot. The greeters definitely recognize me.

I have those thoughts that they are probably thinking, "geez, she eats a lot!" Or something like, "wow, she is buying cookies and no fruit? She should stop that and buy something healthier." I still go, but it's definitely awkward.

One night I went in there and one of the greeters said something like "Oh, you're right on time!" And I was like oh god, I really need to start changing up my routine a bit.

I also can relate to thinking that all the cashiers/other employees/people behind a counter are judging you. I used to work at a grocery store as well and I would see a lot of the same people come in. I never really thought anything of it, and I can assure that mostly everyone else doesn't really care either. They are more focused on getting their job done and going home. If anything, a friendly (regular) face is something to look forward to.


New member
This is a big problem for me. I have stopped going to chemists, service stations, supermarkets, newsagents, camera shops, because people notice my anxiety and react negativley to it. It causes me a lot of distress.

I have had one service station attendent make fun of me. A pie shop employee make a rude comment about my state of mental health. I take my buisiness eslewhere from the places that judge me or make my life hard.

A auto check out was placed in the supermarket and I use it all the time now.

I'm the same way. It seems difficult, but fighting this urge to avoid going places is a small but effective step in beating the problem. It says that you care enough about yourself to take yourself wherever you feel, and that you aren't afraid of judgement. Even if you are.. just coming back there.. makes a difference. But I can't believe someone would actually make a statement about your mental health like that! That deserves a smack..

Sorry if it seemed like I was lecturing or something. Just trying to help.. by the way, where is the quote on your signature from?


Well-known member
Yes i hate it be "regular". I avoid a lot of shops where i feel uncomfortable. Well i feel uncomfortable in any shop. Some thought more. In restaurants the same i wouldn't be able coming on one place eating as regular. I try exchange places as much as i can and avoid the "higher uncomfortable ones". I like also cashiers what care for their own business and don't try socialize with me. I don't like it other comments accept "good morning" and "bye".Some cashiers can be very "clingy" and this is for me very annoying because i don't know what to say and how talk with them. A lot of cashiers also is cloudy and cranky looking and can't act professional and those places i avoid the most.

Edit> Being regular is for me one of hardest part in any places. That's why i isolated me so much and longtime shop for me someone else (mom,bf) i'm doing rare because i'm so distressed afterward that i'm not able calm down many times.
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Well-known member
I'm the same way. It seems difficult, but fighting this urge to avoid going places is a small but effective step in beating the problem. It says that you care enough about yourself to take yourself wherever you feel, and that you aren't afraid of judgement. Even if you are.. just coming back there.. makes a difference. But I can't believe someone would actually make a statement about your mental health like that! That deserves a smack..

Sorry if it seemed like I was lecturing or something. Just trying to help.. by the way, where is the quote on your signature from?

Hi Mishkabunny, that quote is mine, I was writing about the things that bring me peace.

Since I made that post, at the height of my anxiety last year, I have gone back to all the places that I avoided. One restuarant I hadn't been to for three years. Intitially it was hard.

I made some changes to my diet (stopped drinking caffiene) and learned some relaxation techniques and my anxiety is greatly improved.