been to a movie theater alone?


Well-known member
I went to go see a movie by myself once....wasn't very much fun. You could rent movies and watch them by yourself?


Well-known member
I've done this a few times, not too much different and not really that much anxiety. Once the movie starts nobody cares and nobody cares in the first place. I see plenty of people go to the movies alone all the time but I would rather not go alone so I usually don't go by myself.

johnny 85

Well-known member
i wood not be able to go to the cinema alone. even if u paid me to. id be afraid of been judged or classed as a loner or even classed as been weird!!
I've never actually been to a movie theatre alone, but when I lived in Ottawa while in University, I went to a bunch of museums by myself, and it was seriously the best thing I ever did.
Some of them had Imax theatres in them, and I would watch films in there alone also, and it really wasn't that bad at all. It took me a while to build up the nerve to go by myself, but once I was actually there I found myself more caught up in the exhibits or the films, and not so much on what other people were doing or thinking.

EDIT: If you're planning on going to a museum by yourself, try not to set of an alarm!!! This can cause extreme awkwardness and embarrassment! (haha, worst moment of my life)
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Well-known member
Surely! Most of the times I have done that; it was because no one wanted to go see the particular flick I was seeing. Take Superman Returns, for instance.;) I don't think there is anything wrong with going solo to the theatre, either. If it really worries you guys though, just take a little notepad with you, and dress nice!

People will think you're a movie critic.:D


Well-known member
Oh i've done this plenty. Far too many good movies to see in the theater, like Dark Knight or Avatar.

However, I've stopped. Because every single time, it starts out as an empty peaceful theater on a Wednesday morning, and I swear to you every single time a horde of teenagers skipping school come waltzing in and have to sit RIGHT BESIDE/INFRONT of me!!! Unacceptable! >=O