bad birth

Lorraine Manca

Well-known member
i've read that if mothers are stressed during pregnancy, it effects the brain of her fetus. when your mama was pregnant with you, was it a bad pregancy/birth? and how do you think it effected you?

my mother was very depressed during her pregnancy. i think it fried my brain!as a kid, i'd just not be able to process the simple basics that are supposed to be automatic, id walk into stuff, write backwards and get disoriented really easily. being so confused all the time made me really anxious.

was anyone else a difficult pregnancy?


Well-known member
My mother was pretty much depressed and stressed out her whole life, in fact just looking at her parents I'm surprise she hasn't made any attempts on her own life yet.

There's a problem with your question though. How can we make a difference between the impact of bad health during pregnancy and the impact of the way we were treated during the first two years of our life. I mean there's just so much that could happen during that short period of time that could have played a huge role into making us who we are today. Like for example, I was told I was a very obedient baby who never ever cried, but I know by looking at how they treat their new dog that the reason I never cried was because they yelled at me every time I made a noise.

Lorraine Manca

Well-known member
My mother was pretty much depressed and stressed out her whole life, in fact just looking at her parents I'm surprise she hasn't made any attempts on her own life yet.

There's a problem with your question though. How can we make a difference between the impact of bad health during pregnancy and the impact of the way we were treated during the first two years of our life. I mean there's just so much that could happen during that short period of time that could have played a huge role into making us who we are today. Like for example, I was told I was a very obedient baby who never ever cried, but I know by looking at how they treat their new dog that the reason I never cried was because they yelled at me every time I made a noise.

i'll clarify then seeker, the kind of damage i read about was neurological, not necessarily emotional. so its more mental disability rather than mental disorder if that makes sense. really there is a fine line between the two, ive been told but thats the difference if there is one.


Well-known member
My birth was difficult...I was a week late, mom said I didn't want to come out :p and when they tried to induce her they found out the chord was wrapped around my neck. I was a C-section...came out purple with a cone head, hahaha..I never thought this had anything to do with how I turned out. But this is an interesting thread.


Well-known member
i'll clarify then seeker, the kind of damage i read about was neurological, not necessarily emotional. so its more mental disability rather than mental disorder if that makes sense. really there is a fine line between the two, ive been told but thats the difference if there is one.

Oh I understand what you mean. It can be hard to see a difference between the two. I can remember being depressed as young as 7 years old if not before. Well I guess if I ever find some peace of mind in my life I'll be able to see which one it is.

I'm amazed of myself that my brain was able to survive what I went through, while most people would have already made multiple attempts on their life or became true psychopath. Dissociation is really a powerful defense mechanism, but not without its own flaws.


I had a really bad birth according to my mum.I was like a month premature,also the cord was wrapped round my neck twice so I was born in distress.I was so early I had to go into an incubator for a while.

My Mum was also severley depressed when she had me.

(Edit)Wow didnt notice your post Humansrare,thats crazy a simlar thing happend to you too.


Well-known member
I don't know much about my mother's pregnancy. She wasn't married and got pregnant by a man her mother did not approve of. I'm not sure if this caused her stress or not...


Well-known member
i think things were pretty good during my mom's pregnancy? i was her second and she and my dad had been married a little while so i don't think she'd be stressed out of the norm.. as far as labor, it was only like three hours or so and mom said everything went really well... however, panic attacks kind of run in her side of the family, her mother and two sisters all have them.. but anyway, i have no doubt that pregnancy/delivery effects the baby, it's really weird how every single thing plays it's own part into the way that we are.
Well, my mom bled threw out her entire pregnancy. She didn't know she was pregnant with me, so she went on a roller coaster at disney land. I was only inside her for 6 yeah....I stayed in the hospital for 3 months. my mom was told by the doctors to never really hold me or anything cause it would be too much for me. So I was kept in an incubator the first few months of my life...with tons of needles poked in me:/


Well-known member
My mother told me I was her easiest. I'm the second of 5 and she had none of the problems with me that she had with my siblings. She wasn't stressed during the pregnancy and there were no complications. I was also the shortest labor too. I was also the only one born on time. My siblings were all born a little late.
My mom did crack while she was pregnant with me, so I guess that could qualify as a bad pregnancy, lol. She also got into a car accident two weeks before I was born and I was born two months early.


Well-known member
I don't know how my mothers pregnancy was, but I haven't heard anything bad from it. She did have to have a C-section, though. After I was pulled out, her doctor noticed a grapefruit sized tumor & she later had to have a hysterectomy because of it. I think it had to be odd for me being inside my mother with a tumor the whole time lol. But I don't think any of that affected the way I ended up. I was a healthy baby & I've never heard anything about my mom being mentally stressed or anything during her pregnancy.
I was a month early and apparently it was a really traumatic delivery, like 30 hours long or something. My mother was regularly beaten while pregnant so I guess you could say she was pretty stressed..


According to my mother, she had pains about 2 or 3 days before, and when the birth was due she came to the hospital, the young doctor looked at her and said something like "it will not be yet" and went away, let her waiting for too long. She said that time was insupportable, the pain, like I wanted out but couldn't. My cousins allegedly had quite easy and unproblematic births.


Well-known member
I had a birth trauma. I was not breathing when I came out and I had a hemorrhage. This probably affected my mental health, physical health. I probably have speech defect because of this and learning disability.