Awkward Personal Questions


Well-known member
Depends on who asks those questions.

Though I think it's kinda odd, that you have no goals in life (not even to find happiness?), and that you say you do nothing in your free time (you sleep 24/7?), because somehow, that seems like a lie even to us in the forum, because you don't even want to mention it here.

I'd never completely lie, because that just results in problems. When talking to close friends, I'd always answer honestly and openly, and regarding people I don't know that well, I'd just say that I don't like to talk about it.

Obviously she doesn't mean "nothing" in the literal sense lol. I definitely wouldn't categorize that as "lying" because that's just a weird interpretation.

I agree with the third paragraph. I would most likely say, "Oh don't ask!" about the job, or maybe "I'm between jobs right now," that's an easy one.

What are my goals in life? I'm just taking it one day at a time, wherever this life leads me!

What do I do in my free time? Well I spend a lot of time on the internet :)

Done and done!
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Well-known member
How do you react when someone asks you an awkward personal question like:

Why don't you have a job?

What are your goals in live? (if you actually have none)

What do you do in your free time? (if you have no friends or hobbies)

and so on...

Would you tell the truth? Make up a complete lie? Or just answer something vague and diplomatic?

I'm having a real problem with this. I don't want to come across as rude and say "none of your business" especially if it's a friend asking these questions. I'm unable to make up lies but on the other hand I'm too ashamed to admit the truth. What's the best to say in these situations?

its simple Id make something up or tell them to mind their f--king business