ask the next person?

Camping deep in the forest! (not the 'carevan on a field cooking things we've got from the gas station' kinda camping). Like, survival/bushcraft/camping-camping.

If your clothes line was sentient, would you still use it to dry your clothes? Would you at least feel sorry for it if you would?
Maybe the clothes line likes drying clothes. What else is it going to do in life? Anyway, I use a dryer.

What do you think would be the worst way to die?
After decades in the same torture chamber. Enduring frequent and proffesionally executed torture. Just writing that makes me a bit sad..

What do you think would be the nicest way to live?


Well-known member
Nachos today, not sure tomorrow!

Sleep on couch or in bedroom? (I do on couch even though so uncomfortable and I have a nice bedroom set that's cumfy)

Same with me I sleep more on my couch than in my bed which is bad becasue my new chouch is falling apart already but what can u exspect buying it from ffo.

good moive or good book?


Well-known member
Good movie...dyslexic's dont really love to read lol

What country would you most like to visit?

razzle dazzle rose

Well-known member
I am not religious, and I don't really think about it these days.

Um, if you could be anywhere right now, where would you be and what would you be doing?


Well-known member
I would be in the clouds, visiting you. :)

If Tommy has 3 apples, and Billy has 4 apples, how long is a piece of string?

If Brenda has 5 eyelashes and Collen can clap, why do monkeys swing and screech on trees?

What is one thing that would improve your life right now? Money doesn't count.


Well-known member
Aren't you sweet :)

Pastel colors!

Do you bite into fruit or cut them up into pieces? Bonus question: What are your favorite kind of apples?
Depending what kind of fruit I cut them up. I just buy apples i don;t chose what kind and slap peanut butter on them.

In your car/truck or what ever do you blast your music witht he windows down or keep it fairly quiet?