ask the next person?


Well-known member
accidently i think i have to myself, but not very hard.

would you rather be in a pool of jello or a giant ball of cotton candy


Well-known member
a pool of jell-o, preferably strawberry flavored

any idea what you'll wear on New Year's Eve?


Well-known member
accidently i think i have to myself, but not very hard.

would you rather be in a pool of jello or a giant ball of cotton candy
I would have to say cotton candy. although jello is good I like cotton candy better that and it would be easier to get out of.

automatic or standard?


Well-known member
i don't plan on what i'm gonna wear until right before my shower. and what do you mean automatic or standard. do you mean automatic or stick shift? if so, automatic.
*weird toy flashback*......
I remember having a Snoopy soft toy when I was little that was as big as a seal.
It had a zipper on it's tummy that opened and you stored your PJ's (during the day) in the little cloth compartment where its guts should be:giggle:, then zipped it back up.

Should the governments of the world outlaw sugar to rid the world of tooth decay?
Not really, because the tax on cigarettes does not appear to stop people from smoking therefore doesn't reduce lung cancer.

Is it right for landlords to enforce a "no pets" policy on their tenants?
^(lol at being biased)

um....Hell yes I do.

If you could cover your bedroom walls with wall paper, what design would you choose to wake up to every morning?


Well-known member
Nature based like orchids trees like a beautiful park on wallpaper

If you could live in any era, which one would you choose 1970s 1950s 1850s 1700
I would work several jobs to buy lots of houses when they only cost a tiny smidgen of what they cost now.

Would you prefer a holiday up in some scenic mountains, by a sunny beach or somewhere where it is snowing?


Well-known member
Snow is cool although scenic mountains sounds good to

Chicken burger and fries or pasta carbonara ?


Well-known member
chicken burger? o_0 the only kind of burger i'm gonna eat is beef cuz that's how i roll. but i hate how most burgers are just random pieces of the cow and it doesn't taste like real meat. muscle meat, cmon restaurants!! especially krystal, there's is so tiny and gristly and gross.
so i pick pasta carbonara

potato or tomato