ask the next person?


Well-known member
see this is the weird thing.. in the states you guys don't call it a chicken burger its a sandwich lol, in other countries it the its hot its a burger if it's cold is a sandwich :p


cat food or dog food


Well-known member
dog food, but rather dog treats-many smell good! i'd try one of the tbonz if i wasn't afraid of getting sick

duckbill or duck feet


Well-known member
I tried once haha it's not bad!
if ever came to a time that there was no food and i found a box of that i would eat it o_O :D

apple or android


Well-known member
android b/c apple is wayyyyyyyyyy to popular. i'm kinda sick of them. and i'm sick of the tmobile commercials with that girl. just sell the phone, don't sell her! psh.


Well-known member
hahah i also hate apple products.. they are overpriced and no offence to people out there.. but apart from graphic designers they are made for people that like showing off.

6 toes, one extra might come handy :p
car or bike


Well-known member
car because takes less time to get somewhere and has heating and air conditioning, and could also take others with you if that's needed or wanted

sassafras or sarsaparilla


Well-known member
ice skate cuz it's more like rollerblading, and since i learned how to rollerblade a long time ago, i could no longer regular skate

oink or moo


Well-known member

If you read a word a day of a 700 word story/essay, would you be able to follow the plot/story in the end...that's after about 2 years of this?


Well-known member
(but the sexual parts of Christmas are the best parts)

the sun rises in the east but it sets in the west - both are beautiful

how many pickles are there in a jar of pickles?