There are plenty of people having trouble paying the bills each month and part of the problem is arseholes who try to squeeze what they can out of consumers because they think they probably can afford it. Treating customers like this is dishonest, and stating that because others do it worse doesn't make it any less so - oh, I broke in to the car and took the wallet, its not like I stole the car or anything :thumbdown:
The proper way that an honest business would approach this would be to say its a minor repair, but it will cost this much as we have a minimum charge, do you still want us the fix it?, then everything is up front
Let he who is without sin throw the first stone.![]()
And you're complaining that a guy at a repair shop, who probably has trouble paying the bills each month, wants to improve his already meager earnings by just a little?
The thing is everyone would like to think of themselves as a good person. Apparently its one of the things to take note of if you want someone to like you.
However, that reminds me, I read an article of a psychology experiment. A group was primed with power and another of none, and all groups were given an option to cheat in a game. It was found that the power group were more likely to do so.
So I wonder if I would be a good person as I am now if I were to ever gain confidence, gain authority or become powerful. And I wonder if I would still think of myself as a good person.
I didn't even know about this experiment until I started studying psychology. It's amazing how the power of the environment - one that everyone knew was fabricated - can make normal people do insane things. Apparently some of the participants have never recovered from it.Stanford prison experiment... Like that experiment shows, I believe the environment can play a big role whether we're good or bad.
I agree. :thumbup:I think the majority of people are inherently good though.
Stanford prison experiment... Like that experiment shows, I believe the environment can play a big role whether we're good or bad. I think the majority of people are inherently good though. Through evolution, altruism was far more abundant as it led to better survival, and better chances of reproduction.