Are there people who understand your problem?


New member
Hi I'm new here and I'm very happy that I found this forum because before that i felt very lonely. I think I have avpd (all of the symptoms macht) but I can't tell anyone. I have tried to explain it to my parents but they don't seem to listen or understand. They keep telling me that I am just lazy and not willing to do anything with my life, that I just need make a switch in my head. I'm trying to get professional help but my parents say that they will tell me the exact same thing and won't be able to help me any further. So my questions are:
Are there people who understand your problem?
Can a professional (psychologist) realy help?


Well-known member
Parents sometimes are the least understanding people in the world. I find everyone you'll talk to on here will have some sort of related problem to you. This is where I come to relate and to help be understanding for others. I found a psychiartrist didn't help me at all but that'll be different for everyone. They just tried to drug me up without actually trying to help me. You may feel alone and unheard but you can always come on here and someone will at least be able to relate and understand what you're going through. And that simplicity of just relating can put your mind at ease if it's just for a short while. I wish you the best of luck and welcome to the site, I hope it helps out


Well-known member
I am sorry your parents dont support you. My father still doesnt think I have a problem & it can be very hurtful. My mom is up & down, one day she is supportive & the next she thinks I am just lazy seeking attention. I know that my problems are real, so I really try not to let their opinins matter.

As for seeking professional help, getting help only works if you are willing to put in the effort though. You have to really want to make that change. I used to think that seeing a therapist & taking medicine would be like some magic wand. It's really hard work when youve been conditioned to live a certain way for a lot of years. But I do think seeing someone can be very helpful.


Well-known member
Hi and welcome to SPW. :)
I'm sorry that your parents don't understand. I agree with shakethelight, seeking professional help would be good but you also need to be willing to help yourself. Good luck.

Canis lupus

Well-known member
Welcome to SPW.
I also agree with Shakethelight and Srijita. The support and tips from my psychologist has helped me a lot because they are people who do understand you but you are the one that has to do the work.

razzle dazzle rose

Well-known member
There are many people that just don't understand and my parents are some of those people. But thankfully there are forums like this one to talk to other people that are going through very similar problems. It makes me feel less alone.

Welcome to the forum :)


Well-known member
No one that can understand me, if there is, it's God.

I don't have the proper social skills to explain my disability and my disabilities is hard to explain. People often misunderstand or don't understand at all. Nothing is simple.


Super Moderator
Yeah, my mother, my friends and my mate. My mother used not to understand much, but she changed for the better these last years. I am grateful for that.


Well-known member
I have realized that people who dont have these problems (or don't have a degree pertaining to them) are not very understanding.
I don't think there is anyone who understands me. There might be one or two who accept me. My mother, for example, went out of her way one day to tell me that the mentally ill should not be blamed for their problems.

There are a lot of people who misunderstand me. That is, they come up with reasons to explain my behavior which are completely wrong. For example, my older brother believes that I'm gay.

As for psychologists, I don't know firsthand if they help, as I've never seen one. I've read that they help, though.


Well-known member
Parents still insist my SA is a phase, and im acting childish. they keep saying i need to grow up and get over it, so they definitely dont understand.
the only one who seems to really understand is my boyfriend. he can tell if im uncomfortable in a social situation and tries to help me, not change me.
im sure it probably bothers him and annoys him sometimes, but he is understanding and doesnt complain about it