Approach five women


Tomorrow I am going out to approach five somen I dont know during the day, or actually after work.. The plan is to find five girls I find attractive and give them a compliment in style with "Excuse me I just saw you and I had to come over to say to you look fantastic" or something along those lines... I really want to talk to and meet women and I have a friend who have done this, now I am motivated. ;)

Hopefully it will go well, I will try to talk to them afterwards the compliment. I am a little scared that I wont come up with anything to say though, but I can always say I have to go right? :eek:

Just wanted to share in advance, hopefully I will find the strength to go through with this.


Iä! Iä! Cthulhu fhtagn!
Staff member
Tomorrow I am going out to approach five somen I dont know during the day, or actually after work.. The plan is to find five girls I find attractive and give them a compliment in style with "Excuse me I just saw you and I had to come over to say to you look fantastic" or something along those lines... I really want to talk to and meet women and I have a friend who have done this, now I am motivated. ;)

Hopefully it will go well, I will try to talk to them afterwards the compliment. I am a little scared that I wont come up with anything to say though, but I can always say I have to go right? :eek:

Just wanted to share in advance, hopefully I will find the strength to go through with this.
Well sir, I wish you luck!

Have you decided where you're going to find 5 attractive women in one day? Grocery stores are good.

I'm thinking if you're just straight-up telling them they're pretty, it won't come off as too creepy. Though I know of pretty girls on this site who would be a bit freaked out by it.



Tthere are a lot of them where I live, just have to walk around in the city, they appear to be everywhere. I hope they will like it. :)
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Well-known member
Wish you good luck. I have a little bit of advice for you, please don't use silly pick up lines like "hey baby, I lost my phone number, can I have yours?" or "Is it hot in here or is it just you?". They never work ::p:
Good plan!
Kudos to you. I hope it goes well. I'm willing to bet sober, you could end up with a good story to bring back to us.
Don't do this drunk though, it doesn't work as well. I tried to tell a bartender that was serving me "I don't mean to be that drunk guy, but I just had to tell you you're the most beautiful girl I've ever seen." Unfortunately I was just that drunk guy.
Wouldn't have worked anyway as she was working.
But best of luck to you friend!


Well-known member
Good luck, and kudos to your courage. You're much braver than I am -- I cringe at the very idea of trying what you're planning.


Well-known member
good luck! personally i think initiating a conversation with anyone with no agenda is more advisable then simply focussing on approaching 5 women which seems a bit weird and desperate but hey it gets you out of your comfort zone a bit. i could only do this if i was in a super happy mood to be honest. what you could try is taking a clipboard with you and make a personal survey so that gives you initial reason to approach in the first place, you could say "i am doing a survey" or "this is for a radio show" don't lie but make a big deal out of it and then that can lead onto general chit-chat etc me i've thought of doing this before and it just feels a little creepy unless you were doing it for a tv show or a sketch comedy segment or interviewing strangers for a news segment so i didn't bother, i think its better to go about your daily life and talk to those you enounter naturally rather then seeking people out of a crowd. but you could do this at a festival or a music festival or a pub because people may be expecting it in some cases.

perhaps just go out more and if people make eye contact and the look like they are interested in talking then go with the flow of that. also watch how other people initiate banter and learn for a while to do it naturally.
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Well-known member
I've tried picking up women before, and I usually find myself very nervous and fidgity (sp). I think the bottom line is that I don't have much to talk about with them. I haven't done it in years, but I do think it has helped me to this day a bit with cold approaches to strangers in general.

Unfortunately, I never got anything like a date out of them though.

Oh, and for what it's worth, it usually went better if I wasn't drunk, not even tipsy. I guess it just makes you look creepy.

I think the best thing to do is to go to a place that already interests you and that there are people who are also interested in the same thing so that the conversations can be started and maintained much more naturally and smoothly. I'm thinking of going to a museum or some place that has things that I'm already interested in for that reason. I don't think I can handle going to clubs. I've never liked being in a club before and because talking is hard to do in most clubs, I see no point in meeting girls that way. But then again, I know guys who are into clubs and therefore are able to get girls there... reason being the same that I mentioned earlier: similar interests.

Anyways, good luck. Looking forward to your results. Even if you approach less, post it up for us.


Well-known member
id do this if someone else came along and was doing it too... then id probably think oh **** what if the other person gets good responses and all i get is mace in the face and id probably not do it at all


Thanks for the massive encouragement, I talked to two women actually! :) I was massively nervous! I was in the city returning some stuff, buying something and getting something to eat, all which I did before. I saw many girls which I thought of talking to but after some hesitating from my part they were gone.

Then I say this cute girl walking past me and I turned around and walked up to her and said “Hey I just had to tell you, I love your hair it looks great.” And something like “I bet you get this kind of thing all the time” its hard to write about it, she was kind of neutral, not that into it, but I think I sounded a little strange or something. I don’t know, I was more self conscious about my own behavior afterwards than her reaction. I thought like “I sounded so stupid”

Then 30 minutes later I talked to one more girl. She had just parked her bike and I said “I am waiting for some friends, I just had to tell you, you look very cute” or something.

Overall I did pretty good I think. If I look at my thoughts about it I overanalyze in my head over and over what and how I am going to say something. Things like: I can’t say this first and that second it implies this and will lead to this. This doesn’t sound normal, I can’t say that. What other words are there? Like saying “you look fantastic” then thinking “that sounds strange, maybe “Your hair looks fantastic” all these thoughts just stopped me from doing something. Still, it went great ;) I'll continue tomorrow.

I’ll try to just decide to say just something and go do it without analyzing. But still know that I am going to give a compliment.


Well-known member
Thanks for the massive encouragement, I talked to two women actually! :) I was massively nervous! I was in the city returning some stuff, buying something and getting something to eat, all which I did before. I saw many girls which I thought of talking to but after some hesitating from my part they were gone.

Then I say this cute girl walking past me and I turned around and walked up to her and said “Hey I just had to tell you, I love your hair it looks great.” And something like “I bet you get this kind of thing all the time” its hard to write about it, she was kind of neutral, not that into it, but I think I sounded a little strange or something. I don’t know, I was more self conscious about my own behavior afterwards than her reaction. I thought like “I sounded so stupid”

Then 30 minutes later I talked to one more girl. She had just parked her bike and I said “I am waiting for some friends, I just had to tell you, you look very cute” or something.

Overall I did pretty good I think. If I look at my thoughts about it I overanalyze in my head over and over what and how I am going to say something. Things like: I can’t say this first and that second it implies this and will lead to this. This doesn’t sound normal, I can’t say that. What other words are there? Like saying “you look fantastic” then thinking “that sounds strange, maybe “Your hair looks fantastic” all these thoughts just stopped me from doing something. Still, it went great ;) I'll continue tomorrow.

I’ll try to just decide to say just something and go do it without analyzing. But still know that I am going to give a compliment.

Wow, congratulations! You should be very proud of yourself! And like you said, don't worry about whether you said the perfect things. The only thing that matters is that you went out there and did it! :D

Rembrandt Broam

Well-known member
Thanks for the massive encouragement, I talked to two women actually! :) I was massively nervous! I was in the city returning some stuff, buying something and getting something to eat, all which I did before. I saw many girls which I thought of talking to but after some hesitating from my part they were gone.

Then I say this cute girl walking past me and I turned around and walked up to her and said “Hey I just had to tell you, I love your hair it looks great.” And something like “I bet you get this kind of thing all the time” its hard to write about it, she was kind of neutral, not that into it, but I think I sounded a little strange or something. I don’t know, I was more self conscious about my own behavior afterwards than her reaction. I thought like “I sounded so stupid”

Then 30 minutes later I talked to one more girl. She had just parked her bike and I said “I am waiting for some friends, I just had to tell you, you look very cute” or something.

Overall I did pretty good I think. If I look at my thoughts about it I overanalyze in my head over and over what and how I am going to say something. Things like: I can’t say this first and that second it implies this and will lead to this. This doesn’t sound normal, I can’t say that. What other words are there? Like saying “you look fantastic” then thinking “that sounds strange, maybe “Your hair looks fantastic” all these thoughts just stopped me from doing something. Still, it went great ;) I'll continue tomorrow.

I’ll try to just decide to say just something and go do it without analyzing. But still know that I am going to give a compliment.

Well done! It takes real courage to do something like that, something that takes you way out of your comfort zone. It's easy to find excuses not to do it, but you went ahead and did what you set out to do.

It must have been difficult to decide which girls to approach though. I mean, it's Sweden. They're *all* cute girls. :)