Approach five women


Well-known member
seriously congradulations , its very difficult to just approach random girls but you did very well approaching two .


Well-known member
I swear, approaching and talking to attractive girls seems to be the only thing left that's stopping me from conquering my SA. I think I can get it down though, but it's really tough. I feel if I can get over my fear of talking to girls that I find attractive, my SA will be gone :)


Well-known member
I know you probably have good intentions, but telling a girl she's pretty off the bat might be too scary and creepy. That's just me though...
But I understand that you're doing this for your sake and not to get girls to go out with you

Uber Schnitzel

Well-known member
This rings true, but it can also depend on the manner in which a person pays the compliment. If it seems as though the person is expecting something in return then a compliment can have a sinister/slimy quality to it.

Well if he talks like that guy that approached you then he just may be able to pull it off fine ::p:


Well-known member
be sneaky mate buy a puppy ;) then they will all come to you , it will be awwww omg omg hes sooo cute hes lovely whats his name :) stroke stroke ..... go get em danny boy :D


Well-known member
Well its not like I am an expert on this,but what was good for me was to smile to her,not the creepy smile,but a smile saying cute,if she is into she will smile,or do something back,but this could also be bollocks,since I not good at this.


Well-known member
Aren't you a sly one, Gary? It's not a bad idea. He might get women flocking to him, but it's not because of him. It will be because of the puppy. Sure, it's a great ice-breaker, but you have to be able to get her attention away from the puppy.The most gorgeous guy doesn't stand a chance when his competition is a three month old Pug.

I mean, just look at this little guy! How can a creature look like Quasimodo and still be this adorable?


the pug would look a lot cuter and pull a lot more girls if it had a pink jumper on annie ;)