Anyone smoke???

I think there might be a connection between smoking and hyperhidrosis,
Hyperhidrosis started for me at university after I started smoking. There was a bit of an overlap so I didn't connect the two at first.
Then one time I stopped smoking my underarm sweat went away. Again there was a delay plus I started taking medication for a condition I have and I though that was why the underarm sweat stopped.
But basically I think the two are linked.
Acetylcholine is the chemical messenger which is believed to be related to anxiety sweating.
One thing smoking does is that it increases the amount of acetylcholine receptors which probably means the acetylcholine is having more of an effect on the body than when it normally would.
When smoking cessation occurs, the body takes time to readjust the number of receptors to their normal levels, thats what causes some of the withdrawal symptoms. So smoking doesn't cause sweating on a cigarette by cigarette basis, the smoking would have to be stopped for a while before sweating would begin to taper off.

It might be interesting to find out if any other things we do as part of a normal lifestyle increases acetylcholine activity. Because smoking is clearly not the only cause.


Active member
No doubt about it. The cigs make it worse. I quit for a year in 2008 after using Chantix. Definitely diminished the HH. I fell off the wagon about 18 months ago and I want to kick again. I tried Chantix again 2 months ago but my heart wasn't in it. Weird thing though....I noticed a major decrease in sweating while on the Chantix for those 2 weeks. I was still smoking during that time. Chantix is a controversial drug that plays tricks on your HH. But the HH inmprovement while on it was enough to make wonder if there was a positive connection between HH and the drug. Unfortunately the nicotine demons still have my soul so I haven't pursued these possible HH benefits any further. I am such a crack baby.


Well-known member
Agreed. I've been on and off cigs for years now and although smoking isn't causing my HH, it definitely makes it worse. Let's say im walking at a park and my feet start to get a little clamy, ill take a cig break out of habit and the clamy would end up as a small pond or my palms will start to sweat too. I think it has to do with heart rate goin up and buncha other chemical side effects of smoking that causes increased sweating :(. I've been tryin to quit but the cancer stick (or in my case, THE SWEAT STICK) has it's grasp... ill stop for a week and start to feel crazy, to the point where i have to pretend smoke just to get that habit feeling, then ill eventually break and buy a pack :(


Well-known member
Smoking is just another problem we don't need as far as I'm concerned. If there is any relationship between hypertension and hyperhidrosis, then smoking is only going to aggravate the problem.


Well-known member
Wow I was a pot smoker almost hippie status and I had this problem of underarm sweat constantly, I've stopped for a good month and a half and I just now realize this never happens anymore to me.


New member
I've heard of correlation between smoking and hyperhidrosis, but I personally never made a direct connection between the two. This is mainly due to the fact that I have had the same issues with excessive hand and feet sweating years before I've ever smoked a cigarette. I've been smoking for 3 years now throughout which there may have been 4 or 5 days where i did not have a cigarette. The few half-assed attempts I have made at quitting have been unsuccessful, however I will pay close attention to what happens to the amount of sweat which I produce after smoking. Hopefully this will become another motivating factor in kicking the habit. Actually, I am about to go smoke a cigarette as soon as i post this. If I notice anything, I'll be sure to post it.


Well-known member
It's funny, my entire family smokes and yet I have never touched a cigarette, nor have ever thought of doing so. Although what with me being exposed to so much second hand smoke over my life of 26 years I wouldn't doubt it if I have lungs that probably look like a smokers >< Never touched anything else, drugs or alcohol. Most people don't believe me though cause of my age.


Well-known member
Yes 206 i stopped smoking bud because it also made me sweat a lot more mixed in with smoking cigs and it also started to make me paranoid lol. And Mr. Moon... studies have shown that people exposed to second hand smoke for a long period of time have WORSE looking lungs then smokers of a short period of time. So a smoker of 5 years would have black lungs but a second hander of 10+ years would have blackER lungs.. if that makes sense :/
If you put "smoking" and "acetylcholine" into google there is an article by an M Mamede which looks into what happens to acetylcholine receptors when smoking is stopped.

It measures activity after 4 hours, 10 days and 21 days.

It says there is a decrease in actylcholine activity after 4 hours,
BUT then an INCREASE of about 10% at ten days(!), and then it drops way down so acetylcholine activity is down at normal non-smoker level by 21 days of not smoking.

So if there is a direct connection between acetylcholine activity and smoking then if you quit it will get worse before it gets better.


Well-known member
Dang that's really good to know. SO i guess the period of when actylcholine spikes up is when we start to feel a little crazy and crave a drag? Hmmm really good info

If you put "smoking" and "acetylcholine" into google there is an article by an M Mamede which looks into what happens to acetylcholine receptors when smoking is stopped.

It measures activity after 4 hours, 10 days and 21 days.

It says there is a decrease in actylcholine activity after 4 hours,
BUT then an INCREASE of about 10% at ten days(!), and then it drops way down so acetylcholine activity is down at normal non-smoker level by 21 days of not smoking.

So if there is a direct connection between acetylcholine activity and smoking then if you quit it will get worse before it gets better.


Well-known member
I quit from January til June after 8 years of pack-a-day...

I haven't bought a pack yet, but I do bum when at school or out of the, but I do enjoy the feeling of smoking. A lot.


Well-known member
I quit from January til June after 8 years of pack-a-day...

I haven't bought a pack yet, but I do bum when at school or out of the, but I do enjoy the feeling of smoking. A lot.

i'm broke so i only smoke when i can get some money to buy a pack, ha.. i ran out a few days ago, so maybe i should just not get another pack... which would be fine, i don't really have any crazy cravings, i just like smoking.. bleh


Well-known member
Yes I do because smoking is COOL :cool:

Just kidding :D I only smoke on special occasions. It makes me feel a bit better, now I know that's how you get hooked but I always make sure not to have several. Even rarer I will smoke cigars, they are a little passion of mine and I know a lot about them! Of course I always smoke in private so that I don't give anybody second hand smoke.

(I don't have HH btw, although I do sweat a lot, I was just answering the original question lol)


Well-known member
Yes 206 i stopped smoking bud because it also made me sweat a lot more mixed in with smoking cigs and it also started to make me paranoid lol. And Mr. Moon... studies have shown that people exposed to second hand smoke for a long period of time have WORSE looking lungs then smokers of a short period of time. So a smoker of 5 years would have black lungs but a second hander of 10+ years would have blackER lungs.. if that makes sense :/

Yeah.. I don't doubt that. I watched some feature about it on TV when I was in a hospital waiting room several years ago. I've never gone to a doc to check out my lungs or anything though. Heck I haven't been to a doctor in like 8 years for anything except this study I did once for Tinnitus.