Anyone seen this?


Well-known member
Ever Dream This Man?

Check it out. Apparently many people dream of this guy and he gives them advice on life and stuff. Have any of you dreamt of him here?
It's kinda freaking me out... I bet he'll be in my dreams now!


Well-known member
He has a bit of a bland face - perhaps all his features are average, so that is a universal face.


Well-known member
Nup, but I found it interesting reading all the comments. I am trying to figure out from the comments if he is a hero (ie angel) or a villan (ie demon).

ps. Kinda looks Russian to me. Don't ask me why though, it's just the first thing that popped into my head.
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Well-known member
I remember this being a experiment by psycologists or skeptics?

basically the experimemt was this:they spread a false rumor that this man was on some people's dream and with time people with no link to the experiment were turning up and saying that they also dreamt of this guy,the experiment was to show how easily peoples mind are fooled,or how they go with the mass or something,which is actually easy to see if you pay attention,some people still believe the creator of the universe is concearned with petty things like sex and stuff.....


Well-known member
I remember this being a experiment by psycologists or skeptics?

basically the experimemt was this:they spread a false rumor that this man was on some people's dream and with time people with no link to the experiment were turning up and saying that they also dreamt of this guy,the experiment was to show how easily peoples mind are fooled,or how they go with the mass or something,which is actually easy to see if you pay attention,some people still believe the creator of the universe is concearned with petty things like sex and stuff.....

I tried to find more information,but no luck,to much information/disinformation on the web,dont know what is true or not.


Well-known member - this man

Andrea Natella
Andrea Natella was born and lives in Rome. He is the creative director of, sociologist and journalist investigating youth culture and media communication, and a writer for TV programs about magic. Using a variety of pseudonyms, he has published essays on UFO"s, extreme sex and the art of sabotage. In 1995 he was known as Luther Blissett.

Founded in Italy in 2003, is an advertising agency that uses non-conventional communication techniques, like the creation of fictitious events or campaigns reaching the limits of legality, through which "**** the market in order to enter it", entering the media system and taking away the automatism communication. Projects include a.o.: Rottama il Brand (Wreck the Brand), Shock and Hoax, Spazio Disponibile (Available Space), Espropriproletari (proletarian expropriation), and Where-Next.
V2_: Andrea Natella

apparently a movie is comming out:rolleyes:


Well-known member
I don't ever remember my dreams, and when I do they're garbage. I always get mocked in them and hate waking up remembering them.


Well-known member
He looks like a creepy child with large eyebrows. D:

Anyway...I don't remember my dreams. I lay down, become unconscious, wake up in what feels like five minutes, and find out it's morning. Every single night. I thought that was normal until I brought it up with a friend. Apparently most people have the sense that 7-8 hours have passed when they go to sleep.