Anyone rich???


Well-known member
I wonder how would it be being rich and a sociophobic at same time.Would money bring little bit more happiness despite social phobia.And i can hear lots of sufferer saying i would have beat it if i were rich:)
Nope, I am unfortunately not rich ::(: I don't think it would bring a "bit more happiness", but it would make life a hell of a lot easier!
You could have your own business and hire someone to manage it for you. Then you would only have to deal with one employee.
You would never have to worry about a boss making your life hell because you don't have the social skills to stand up for yourself, or not be able to leave the job because you need the money:cool:


Well-known member
I really doubt anyone would come out and openly say they're rich, and here of all places. Would you go around telling people you had all this money knowing how desperate and deceitful people are, especially with this economy? That's exactly why I think rich people are the most prone to becoming social phobics. If I were rich, I'd be even more paranoid about people, thinking that they were trying to get close to me just to get to my money. It would make me even more suspicious knowing that for the most part I don't see any reason why people would want to approach someone like me in the first place. I know for a fact that I would live in seclusion if I had that kind of money. People are just really hard to trust nowadays.

The only pros I can think of for being rich is not having to worry about going to work and having panic attacks over your a-hole co-workers, pushy bosses, and whatnot, being able to live life in luxury, and pretty much taking the easier road in life. The downer for rich people is that the majority of them have to live restricted and isolated lives and try to find solace with other people of equal class and always be wary that other people are after them for what they have.

Money can buy most things in this world, but it can't buy friendship, love, or companionship overall (unless you're bribing someone to be your friend/lover which is pretty sad). I think that's why there are so many rich people who suffer from depression. That's the only thing I can think of that they would be sad about if they pretty much have everything else in life.
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Well-known member
I really doubt anyone would come out and openly say they're rich, and here of all places. Would you go around telling people you had all this money knowing how desperate and deceitful people are, especially with this economy? That's exactly why I think rich people are the most prone to becoming social phobics. If I were rich, I'd be even more paranoid about people, thinking that they were trying to get close to me just to get to my money. It would make me even more suspicious knowing that for the most part I don't see any reason why people would want to approach someone like me in the first place. I know for a fact that I would live in seclusion if I had that kind of money. People are just really hard to trust nowadays.

The only pros I can think of for being rich is not having to worry about going to work and having panic attacks over your a-hole co-workers, pushy bosses, and whatnot, being able to live life in luxury, and pretty much taking the easier road in life. The downer for rich people is that the majority of them have to live restricted and isolated lives and try to find solace with other people of equal class and always be wary that other people are after them for what they have.

Money can buy most things in this world, but it can't buy friendship, love, or companionship overall (unless you're bribing someone to be your friend/lover which is pretty sad). I think that's why there are so many rich people who suffer from depression. That's the only thing I can think of that they would be sad about if they pretty much have everything else in life.
Thanks wickedland u have a different point of view, yet studies say it s more common in suburbs, i don't know why.Of course it s not that i claim the otherwise of your thoughts i wanted to know a rich sociophobic's experiences, would be interesting.


I was thinking about contacting Athina Onassis, she said she hates money because they destroyed her life and she is giving them away..


I was thinking about contacting Athina Onassis, she said she hates money because they destroyed her life and she is giving them away..

If u get her number just tell me. Be glad to make her misery go away... : P


Well-known member
I'd like loads of money, it'd take away a lot of worries like being homeless and what not. I could also buy whatever the hell I wanted without worrying about it. I'm not rich though.


Well-known member
I'm happy that I wasn't born rich because knowing how lazy and how I think, I would have become a monster, one of those rich guys that doesn't care about anyone. Now that i'm 24 and a good person, i wish I could be rich as I know it won't change me much


Well-known member
Not unless the plaque in my arteries counts.

Thinking about it, I wonder how many slices of cake and pie I've eaten in my life. And cheesecakes, doughnuts, milkshakes, medium fries, how many pounds of beef, pork, and chicken, etc.

*looks down at stomach*

Maybe it's better to not know....


Well-known member
my family is well...I dont want to sound like bragging but my family is quite wealthy.But we live in a normal house,in a mediocre neighborhood,our family car is a nissan altima etc.
I think my SA experience is normal because my family acts normal,my mom actually told me they raised me the way I did on purpose so I wouldnt turn out to be a rich snob. And to be honest im happy they raised me like they did,if you were a rich snob people would just crowd around you and be fake,i think id almost have a fake accomplishment of overcoming SA.


Well-known member
my family is well...I dont want to sound like bragging but my family is quite wealthy.But we live in a normal house,in a mediocre neighborhood,our family car is a nissan altima etc.
I think my SA experience is normal because my family acts normal,my mom actually told me they raised me the way I did on purpose so I wouldnt turn out to be a rich snob. And to be honest im happy they raised me like they did,if you were a rich snob people would just crowd around you and be fake,i think id almost have a fake accomplishment of overcoming SA.

Very well put. Your parents did the right thing by raising you the way they did. It makes you realize what it's like for other people to live and work for everything they have and make you think twice before ever looking down on anyone like most rich people love to do.


nope, and I really don't think there's many sociophobes who are rich because of their own wealth. I know this may sound abit silly but I honestly believe that success follows confidence and not the other way around.
just look at all these successful ppl, athletes, entrepreneurs....they are, to some extent, full of themselves.
at least that's how I see things lately :cool: