Anyone have problem with mumbling or speaking



For some reason, my whole life, i have struggle with speaking. I tend to mumble alot. And i seem to have problem with pronouncing words. On some day , it worst than others . Do anyone have any idea on how i can fix this?


Well-known member

I tend to have a problem with mumbling or speaking in a soft voice, unless I'm talking to those I'm comfortable with, in which case I'm much louder. Usually whenever I try to speak in that same voice with others, it comes out sounding like that really annoying, perky, girly voice that a lot of other girls tend to use (you probably know what I'm talking about).

I don't know if you mumble around everyone, but if there's a select few around whom you don't, it's a matter of becoming more comfortable with others. If you're like that around everyone, I would try practicing speaking at different vocal levels and tones, preferably when you're alone. Find a happy medium and try to stick with it when communicating with people.


Well-known member
Yes I speak in a softer voice when I'm not confident with what I'm saying, ie when I tell a white lie, or when I'm scared of the person I'm speaking to. I also have a deep voice for a girl so I don't really like my voice.


Recent description of me as speaking too quietly from my old Dad was valuable.

Good practice. It took a while to get the volume right. Dad is severely deaf. Good to learn. I can hear my own voice. Usually with friends, people hear and understand what I say. Dad says when my volume is right. He hates if I shout. I see that as productive. Dad's TV is so loud that it really hurts my ears and I have to go outside. Overall, most things are a one-way restriction. If I can't tell people why I can't hear them is a bit hopeless.

Probably my off-topic, on a tangent, is my way to add material to the conversation which nobody likes. I cover for my presence to gain respect and not appear a minimalist

I can be fairly sure why I get the head-in-hands reaction when I enter a room. I find it difficult to shout and be heard. I have natural pitch and make every effort to mirror everyone's volume and style. Most experimentation I've done is leaving a personal outgoing voice message really loudly, which my neighbours might hear. When I listen to it being played back, it is extremely faint.

I stick to Skype as a way to speak handsfree with full amplification at the listener's end. It works perfectly for Dad.

Everyone tells my that "I am breaking up" using the little mobile phone. I can't hear enough with the little hole pushed hard into my ear, when I'm in a silent room. When set to loudspeaker, the piece of plastic in my palm rattles and I can hear something. I'm told they can't hear me in loudspeaker mode.
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Well-known member
My voice has always been soft, but I don't mumble.

Do you know if it's a speech impediment or just something that happens when you're nervous? I used to have trouble with a few syllables when I was in grade school, and even though I hated speech therapy I eventually started speaking correctly without thinking about it.


Well-known member
Occasionally I'll speak too fast and end up stuttering.
Oh, you too? Haha, I get this, as well. I speak too quickly, then when it comes to thinking of the correct word I want to use, it's too late and I've ruined it. :bigsmile:


Well-known member
Aw yes I do this all the time. Like back in highschool when you're told to read a certain part of a book out loud for the class to hear I would speed through it as fast as I could to the point where no one could understand what was being said. I also do mumble and always get "come again?"


New member
Often when I have to give presentations in office I stammer a lot on difficult words and not able to pronounce them properly which I have to practice a lot from now onward at home. I have tried many a times but as go with the flow to speak I make this mistake many times.


Well-known member
I have a problem with mumbling too, I also tend to speak too fast. Although I don't have much problems with presentations and such, it usually only occurs in social situations. I'm trying to work on it though, I guess it takes practice and conscious effort.


Well-known member
I do have a problem with speaking quietly and incoherently. People ask me to repeat because they can't hear me. I write so much better than I speak. When I verbalize my thoughts, my sentences come out in bits and pieces and sound incoherent, sometimes rife with pronunciation and grammatical errors. English is my second language after all. One teacher said I had a strong voice after I did a presentation but that's only because I practiced it so many times already.


Well-known member
not usually. Unless I get really really nervous, then I stutter, but ...

I also have this fear of speaking in front of large groups, too.