Anyone else Hate Holidays?


Active member
Yeah so with me its just like i veiw holidays (especially Christmas) as a family holiday and being that i only have two people in my family, i just dont see the point.
I hate talking to my family i always have to put on a fake smile and do all the small talk sh@t and it feels so awkward! My family really doesnt understand me and hanging out with them is like torture they dont understand me and i know this sounds really really really terrible and i hate myself for thinking it but i wish my family would hurry the f@ck up and die already!!

Or mybe im the one that should die, so they dont have to constantly be trying to pull information and smiles out of me against my will. It must not be pleasant for them either... i mean if i cant stand myself, then they probably cant either..
Mybe i should blow my f@cking brains out so i would never have to endure through this holiday sh@t again...

sorry for the language...


Well-known member
I feel the same way. Why do people suddenly become happy and friendly at Christmas time?!
Yes, I'm beginning to feel ****ty about the next few days. All of a sudden I just felt really really lonely. I have my family and that's great, but I used to have lots of friends who cared about me and who I always spent time with, and now I have pretty much no-one else. And I know I'll just be hanging around the house all day the next few days and that SUCKS. And town and everywhere is ridiculously busy at the moment so that's ****.

So yes! Christmas this year is making me a lonely, anxious, even more reclusive, loser :( And my neighbour and all her friends are hanging out outside my house laughing and shouting with each other. Grr! I'm in a pissy mood tonight :p
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Well-known member
i hate it because I have to meet all my relations that i don't see very much its a nightmare i just sit being saying very little just nervously answering when someone asks me something its like the longest day of my life everyone is all happy and excited i just hate it


Somewhat,My grandmother died christmas eve 2006.Then Cliff died 2 days after christmas 2007.Its definantly not my favorite time of year!


Well-known member
Feck the lot of you!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ;) lol I love christmas and always will no matter what.

Almost Christmas Woot Woot :) and to anyone who feels awkward with family thats what alcohol is for :)
I live alone, the nearest family I have to me is 500 miles away. I always spend the holidays alone..mum was sposed to visit for xmas but never called me to verify she was going to make it sooooo another (preferably) lonely holiday. I'm content with that lol

Lorraine Manca

Well-known member
i hate them too because i typically get these two week breaks for the holidays, where i dont get see the kids i teach or see the familiar faces of my classmates. its so freakin lonely


Well-known member
i hate them too because i typically get these two week breaks for the holidays, where i dont get see the kids i teach or see the familiar faces of my classmates. its so freakin lonely

I've been in a similar situation. It was pretty bad for me.

I was an assistant of sorts at a summer camp in Spain. I still miss them all.
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well i get a break during the holidays so i like them. It allows me to take it easy for a bit so i cannot complain


Well-known member
Bunch of Scrooges here...::p:

Actually I've been finding Christmas kind of lonely, too, though maybe a little less so this year. But what I really bloody hate is stupid Valentine's Day.
I was just thinking this when I came on here. I get along alright with my family, but my interests do differ from theirs. I just hate all this lets get together nights before Christmas and act all happy and friendly. I do also hate the small talk, no one wants to hear my talk and if I try they just blow my off (Interests differing again). Then I have to get up early on the 25th to go over to my sisters house to watch everyone open presents, and I have very little, I can say that now. And I have to act happy about the gifts I do get. Then they want to sit around and talk then eat lunch etc. I just am never into any of that. I am a decisive person, sometimes that is, and I like things to get over fast and not the long out drawn out stuff.