Anyone afraid of HELL?

Are you afraid of hell?

  • No. I am a Christian I know that God pardons me and will destroy only other people.

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It's strange..even though i do not believe in god..something big must have happened for us to be here. There must be other worlds very far away. I can't believe we are the only planet with life.
As someone says..A goldfish can't imagine what life is like outside it's pond, it cannot see the planets or dream of visiting the moon etc.
Could this be the same for us?...we can only see so far.
There's a lot more to the picture we have yet to discover.


Well-known member
I enjoy talking about these matters, but I find in daily life, people will touch on them, but will not delve any deeper into them.

It is a very important question actually, and if we had proof, it would change us in many ways. The only proof that would suffice though, is ones direct experience of god. I already think there is sufficient logical proof for the existence of god. However, it is meaningless to to the average person.

By the way, I have a bone to pick with this:

I know that if youre not Christian, I guess it would make sense to believe this.

This happens too frequently and it is beginning to annoy me. Whenever we have a discussion about god or religion, it seems to be always the Christian God and Christianity that is being represented and using that sweeping generalization other religions and their own interpretations are dismissed. I especially find this aggrevating when the Eastern religions are dismissed as the same, when they are almost completely the opposite from orthodox Christianity.

What you said above sounds very dismissive of other religions. It's not only Christians who believe in god you know.


Well-known member
Mary said:
If you are wrong, you are condemning them if they believe you.
There is a way that God could operate his judgment upon a unconverted human in a manner calculated to correct that human. If God chooses, instead, to operate his judgment upon the unconverted human in a manner calculated to destroy him, that would be God's decision and his alone. It would be on his conscience what he has done, and not on mine. He alone would be responsible for his conduct, and nobody else is. I would not be to blame if my words convinced people to take a risk and ignore Christian theology.
There will come a day when we will stand before a God who know's all about us, and have to give account for this. What will you say on that day? There can be no excuse for anything we have done, but for the blood of Jesus, no one will
escape punishment.
As a neoplatonist, I have faith that God does not punish except to amend, and that the operation of his judgment upon a human is calculated to correct the human and not to destroy. What then will I say to God beyond the grave? The same thing I say to him this side of it: "Operate your divine judgment upon me!"

I don't want to avoid judgment. Boethius: "The wicked are more to be pitied if they escape with unjust impunity, than if they are punished by just retribution.

But men cannot raise to the transparent light of truth their eyes which have been accustomed to darkness. They are like those birds whose sight is clear at night, but blinded by daylight. So long as they look not upon the true course of nature, but upon their own feelings, they think that the freedom of passion and the impunity of crime are happy things.

If the wicked too themselves might by some device look on virtue left behind them, and if they could see that they would lay aside the squalor of vice by the pain of punishment, and that they would gain the compensation of achieving virtue again, they would no longer hold it punishment, but would refuse the aid of advocates for their defence, and would intrust themselves unreservedly to their accusers and their judges. "


Well-known member
Reholla said:
Never will I choose to believe that i am just a collection of organic molecules which "happened" to form!! And I am sorry that you are living to believe this. We are not accidents. I know that if youre not Christian, I guess it would make sense to believe this. But how? Look around. Do you not see sunsets, rainbows, storms, trees which are so intracate, everything around you cries out that there is something else out there. Some purpose to all this around us.

I would like you to explain how you think we "happened" to the human body works the way it does, pumps blood, voluntarily blinks, does intricate processes which all depend on each other to function. No, this could not be an accident. I'm sorry but evolution is a piece of crap...and as some one else said very wisely in another post above this, it takes more faith to believe in evolution or big bang. I wont go so far as to say species dont change or alter a little over time. But from unicellular to humans...just doesnt have much credibility.

Dude, seriously. Open a book on Biology book and be enlightened. The reason you are like you are IS EVOLUTION. Even the church accepted evolution as true for Gods sake (lol).

Did you go to school? Serious question.


Well-known member
Zosima said:
I would like to know, from all of you religious folk, do you believe that I will go to Hell if I persist in not believing ?

I genuinely desire answers to that question, & if any of you (Mary, Reholla, LA-girl, Zipper etc.) who are partaking in the debate neglect to answer, I will take that as a "yes".

- (& remember, I am generally a nice & kind person !)

It is not up to me to decide weather you will go to heaven or not. I believe God is our judge. It will not be fair of me to judge you, only God can. It is not up to me to decide. All I can say is check with the new testament, read what Jesus said, then you can make up your own mind. There are different opinions among Christians about this subject, so if you want to find out I would encourage you to read for yourself and make up your own mind about this.


Well-known member
easy wrote:
Even the church accepted evolution as true

Yes, it’s true that some Christians accepts the evolution theory. For me it does'nt matter all that much in which way it happened. All I'm saying is that you do not have to deny the evolution theory to be a Christian. The improtant thing is to acknowledge that God is the creater. How this happened and how many years it took is to me of less improtance.

…so far, 10,000 ministers have signed on who ascribe to the statement that evolution is “a foundational scientific truth”…

Here is a site that explains a christian mans belief in God and evolution,he calls it: Theistic Evolution
”I believe that God Almighty created the heavens and the earth, and all life upon the earth. He accomplished this process over billions of historical years. He has been in charge of this process since the beginning of time and He still is in charge. He directed the unfolding of life forms over time that many people call evolution.”


Well-known member
Zipper said:
Am I the only one who believes he is going to be destroyed by God for my wrong and my doubt? 8O

I can't get the idea of hell out of my mind and tend to obsess about it constantly. :cry: Is hell real? I mean, doesn't the Bible talk about it? If God's going to destroy any of his creatures, I know that it will include me, because I am too anxious to keep believing that it is true. Listening to Bible teaching terrifies me, so I stay very far away and try my best to disbelieve. But I am still so scared. :oops:

I am afraid of doing so many things, because I am afraid that God is going to requite destruction upon me if there are flaws in what I do. :lol: I am quite timid and reserved. I haven't done a lot with my life and have never done sort of "rebellious" things because of this concern of retribution.

I think it is what caused my social anxiety -- this thought that I might be the object of revenge by a mind that observes me and observes me making mistakes. :cry: It's not that difficult to make the jump from a belief in a God the operation of whose judgment is calculated to destroy and a belief that other people might be the same way if I make unguarded mistakes.

I'm so sad. I wish I had never been born. :( I'm not sure if this gloom will ever lift.

Now, about what I wrote to Zipper. I guess I misunderstood your consern. I thought you might were a believer in Christ, but you thought that because you found it so hard to stay away from sin you tried not to believe, because you were afraid of entering hell. Your first post on this thread indicates this... That was why I felt it important to tell you that believing is enough etc… But as I understand you now, you knew all about this, but have decided not to believe. It was only my intention to try to help you based on what I assumed was your problem…


Well-known member
Reholla said:
Quixote said:
[The only way to free yourself from this idea is to finally acknowledge that God doesn't exist, the bible is nothing but an interesting ancient collection of writings, good for historians and sociologists to ponder on, and you yourself are but a collection of organic molecules which happened to form, by chance, a complex system, the first living creature, a sort of germ. Like a handful of dice tossed on a table can result in a handful of sixs.

Never will I choose to believe that i am just a collection of organic molecules which "happened" to form!! And I am sorry that you are living to believe this. We are not accidents. I know that if youre not Christian, I guess it would make sense to believe this. But how? Look around. Do you not see sunsets, rainbows, storms, trees which are so intracate, everything around you cries out that there is something else out there. Some purpose to all this around us.

I would like you to explain how you think we "happened" to the human body works the way it does, pumps blood, voluntarily blinks, does intricate processes which all depend on each other to function. No, this could not be an accident. I'm sorry but evolution is a piece of crap...and as some one else said very wisely in another post above this, it takes more faith to believe in evolution or big bang. I wont go so far as to say species dont change or alter a little over time. But from unicellular to humans...just doesnt have much credibility.

Evolution is a piece of crap? lol u should really think before you speak..


Well-known member
Reholla said:
Never will I choose to believe that i am just a collection of organic molecules which "happened" to form!! And I am sorry that you are living to believe this.

I am sorry as well. But I do nonetheless.

I would like you to explain how you think we "happened" to the human body works the way it does, pumps blood, voluntarily blinks, does intricate processes which all depend on each other to function. No, this could not be an accident. I'm sorry but evolution is a piece of crap...and as some one else said very wisely in another post above this, it takes more faith to believe in evolution or big bang.

This is the most popular objection to evolutionary theory and perhaps to atheism in general. It is a fairly good one. The substance of it can be explained as follows: the world contains innumerable complex systems, itself being one huge system where everything interacts in a mechanism-like way. Complex systems do not happen by chance, so they must be the product of intelligent design. The universe was created by a superior being, and so was mankind.

Now, I think the problem with this theory is that it looks extremely reasonable and self evident, but it is not. Systems do happen by chance, given a large enough number of attempts (potentially infinite in our case) and complexity can originate simply by the activity of simpler systems. It is very difficult to make a good example, but think of snow flakes for instance: the simple molecular forces that operate between water molecules give origin to surprisingly geometric crystals, which form snowflakes in turn. Seen at a microscope it might be difficult to accept a snowflake as the product of a random process, as it is.

You could of course go beyond this reasoning and say that these random events are possible because they actually happen *within* one single big system that is the universe, created by one intelligent being. But then the problem is what is an intelligent being? Another complex system. So if the universe is a system that originated from another system the first sytem (god) must have randomly happened. Maybe I am carrying this a bit too far, especially for my limited capabilities with a foreign language :) But I hope the main point is clear

Finally, I hope you understand that I say what I say because I honestly believe it as true. I was raised in such a way that it would be as hard for me to change my mind and become a believer as it would be for you to accept my view. I *feel* (partly almost like a faith, as you rightly pointed out) an atheist in a deep way. And I *feel* that evolutionary theory is correct, and I often even have this strong impression of seeing evolutionary forces at work in everyday life.


Well-known member
All I will say on evolution, is that I don't know how we were formed by God but when I get to heaven, I will make sure to ask!
To Zosima, about your question for scriptures, here's a few:"Jesus said,
"I am the resurrection and the life. He who believes in me will live, even though he dies; and whoever lives and believes in me will never die. Do you believe this?" JOHN 11:25-26 Jesus is still asking this even today.

"They killed him (Jesus) by hanging him on a tree, but God raised him fr. the dead on the 3rd day and caused him to be seen..He commanded us to preach to the people and testify that he is the one whom God appointed as a judge of the living and the dead...everyone who believes in him receives forgiveness of sins through his name."Acts 10:40-43

Feeling sorrow? Call John14
Sinned? Call Psalm 51
Feeling worried? Call Matthew 6:34
Lonely & fearful? Call Psalm 23 & 27
When GOD seems far Psalm 139


Well-known member
LA-girl said:
The bible also tells us that meeting w/ the fellowship is important.

Important, but not necessary!
For me, I know that I would be less faithful if I had to go to meetings, in church etc. For most people maybe the opposite is right, but for me it is important to have my own personal relationship with Jesus. Every christian needs to find out for himself what is most beneficial for his/her belief!

And your other separate post I read that said you don't have to like other ppl
Also you said I had claimed that I do not like most Christians. What I meant was, I don’t feel I fit in with these people, also I find a lot being judgemental. I am not saying that all Christians are the same, but for the most part this is how I feel. I do not have anything against them, I just don’t feel welcome or feel that I fit in. The only way for me to be a Christian is to look at God and Jesus and realize how much he cares about me and all people for that matter. Like cutefluffykitten says: God is my judge, not you or any other christian.

I don’t think that you should not try to do your best in the world. I think when you become a christian your heart change and you want to do good things and you will automatically feel bad when you sin. It would not hurt to ask God for forgiveness, but I do not think you will be doomed if you don’t.

If a person is truly saved, he will turn from his sins. I believe that even if a person is saved, he will sin and still be saved. I don't believe that a person can lose their salvation once they have it. Unless they loose their faith and turn against God.

I know many Christians will have contradictions here. But I have been convinced that it is as simple as this. You have the right to think otherwise…

Actually I'm not sure whether it said it was important or necessary as I would have to re-read it even though I recall it meant important/necessary and I know certain scriptures in memory and they're very meaningful. You're right that personal relationship is important/necessary too and I understand that even Christians can be sinful and you might not like certain ones though their sin is not God's fault and it's their choice. God made us w/ a decision to have the power to change ourselves. I didn't say you won't sin after but you have to put the effort and repent of your sins, there's a scripture that specifically and clearly says 'Repent (that's action, not only believing) and be baptised'. -You can't only believe and that's it. You keep saying it is so simple and what I was trying to make clear to correct is that being a Christian is a constant, very difficult, battle! It's hard to be a disciple of God or God-like, to imitate and continue to be on track, that's why I fear going to hell- it's not easy.

You quoted 1 to 3 scriptures and said like 'That's it, so simple, that's all you have to do'- That is Wrong, it is not the only scripture, it's one of the scriptures, there are many others altogether as well that apply and it looks like you disregarded those, and I told you certain specific ones in the previous message- it quotes that faith alone is dead. You have to put action too and like Mary posted in another separate thread, if he sees your true effort, even if you sinned he will forgive but YOU HAVE TO live by God's WordS, not only 1 or 2 of the scriptures but in all-- living by the Word, teachings of the correct way and not turning to your Old ways so you can't only quote a scripture and tell everyone, look- that is ALL there is to it, it's not. Therefore it didn't only suggest that if you believe you will automatically turn from your sins, it quoted it directly. I didn't intend to continuously tell you you're wrong, sorry if I did that, I was only telling you.

And for others who claim that God would not punish if God is so loving, yes he will like in a discipline way, out of love to lead you to repentence and change and to Learn he will, as it also tells us like a parent would punish to teach you a lesson for the better since they care about you. If God has to, he will, out of love, hit you hard if he has to so that you will change as he finds sin disgusting though there are lots of things we don't know about God as he could be beyond our understanding. So for a lot of us if we listen to the gospel to those who preach through their knowledge and experience of the word, you will learn so much in your arguments on God. Punishment/discipline for good cause He will do. It could be cruel to you but you should take thought into it if it actually is true.

I also realize a person said they get annoyed hearing only Christianity when speaking of God. I guess it's that he's the only one who claimed he is the One and Only God. I'd choose that one, it's very interesting and also mysterious and makes a lot of sense although maybe the old testament can really bore you in a lot of parts of it but not the new testament. And many these days are turned away out of religion in how it evolved to not look into it further and they'd rather not, as the views are common now to dismiss that there's any God and that blinds us or they don't want to or never thought to consider it on a deeper level, for example, you will hear others tell you mental illness is nothing other than out of the physical, the world just only happened but that is short-sighted which at times we are.

however even I don't understand God that well so I won't be talking about anything much and I wonder things too though it doesn't mean God isn't there. I believe God is and for thought-out reasons that's obvious to point in that direction of the way things are in the universe and the truth of it but sometimes it seems like it's sort of unfair and unwise that it told us he loved us so greatly that he died for us and out of love he is giving us a 2nd chance. I thought that he made the world to be able to have sin or left it like that when it was ruined and disobeyed and he should've destroyed us then already and that would be love as sin is genetic now and will continue to go on to the next generation even though I guess that my judgment isn't better than God the Almighty! And he doesn't expect us to be perfect, and only to be his disciple and to genuinly try anyway. The bible also said others will reject their word and choose to live however they want and that they'll be going to hell and I don't see why others would even do that if what it teaches is all righteous but also they could like to be in sin which ruins the world as well.

-wups I keep adding things as I do this at times...

TLZ: Yeh I'm fine when there's opinions that oppose mine in what you said in general on others being disrespected if you don't agree, and it's ok to have your opinion even if you disagree, usually most of us will be alright with it, it's nothing to get angry of like who does a person think they are if you had to go along w/ their view, everyone should see for themselves at their own pace and can't force anyone to view it in a way they don't, we're all entitled to our mistakes and stuff.

And about different interpretations of the bible, they are more or less the same, there's only one that I know of it's the King James version in old english and NIV-new international version in modern day english. Of course there are those who will cut off portions of it which God cautioned you will pay for that, or add false information, and they're called like Mormans who do that, cutting off some of God's word claiming you don't have to do that part etc.


Well-known member
easy said:
Dude, seriously. Open a book on Biology book and be enlightened. The reason you are like you are IS EVOLUTION. Even the church accepted evolution as true for Gods sake (lol).

Did you go to school? Serious question.

Hmm....last time i checked insulting some ones intelligence doesnt usually work in favor of winning an argument. To answer your "serious" question, I graduated from a top high school with honors, and am now attending university.

But besides that, maybe you never considered that just because people choose not to believe in something, doesnt mean theyre ignorant on the matter. If that were true, i could say you were ignorant of the concept of god...since you dont believe in it. But I trust you have researched or whatever and its lead you to believe that He doesnt. I'm not saying that's true...just saying it isn't impossible to know something on a subject but reject it's credibility.

Ive opened many biology books. Like I said in that post above...I'm not so ignorant to say, "God made us and everything just as we are and we've been this way since the world began." I know things have changed. I already explained that things have evolved. But what I amsaying is that monkeys and humans are two different species. Two SIMILAR species...but we didnt evolve from them. I believe we adapt to our surroundings. So if that means a physical change, then I agree we do evolve.

I love how my BIOL prof this past semester forced evolution down our throat and said we evolved from trees. And that everytime you get goosebumps this is us inating back to when we were monkeys and trying to get our fur to come up and warm our body. So you wonder why I dont believe in evolution? I know this is an extreme stance to take, but I disagreed with it far before this happened.

You still didnt answer my question on how if we just came from unicellular oganismshow our complex brain functions, heart beats 24 hours a day, everyday, etc. If youre going by the big bang theory this is a farther leap of faith to take than to believe in God.


Well-known member
Hey Reholla,

You say I didn't answer the question about how we evolved from unicellular oganisms to what we are now, but that's actually what I meant with the whole 'read a biology book' thing. I live in The Netherlands, and in the biology book we used at my high school, it was explained that at first there were only unicellular organisms. But after a while organisms, or cells or whatever, started co-operating and formed more complex organisms. I can't explain it well at all, because it's been a while ago, it's quite difficult and I learned it in Dutch. If you search the internet I'm sure you will find something about it.

And I'm pretty sure we did NOT evolve from trees. Maybe your biology prof is a moron.

And that everytime you get goosebumps this is us inating back to when we were monkeys and trying to get our fur to come up and warm our body.

Goose bumps were also explained in our biology books. (yay) It really is to warm your body. You can feel this for yourselves. I don't see why this is hard to believe.


Well-known member
I just wanted to share my personal experience w/all of you. Some people have asked me why it is that God touched me and not them. Hopefully my story might hold the answer.
When I was 13, it was the worst year(s) of my life. That was when I had my first panick attack at the school cafeteria, and really started developing the signs of the SP, plus my dad had starting being abusive to me. He had allways liked to pick on me before but for some reason when I was 13, he started hitting me for no reason and telling me on an almost daily basis how stupid and worthless he thought I was. So, I was scared all the time, both at school and at home. I would wander the streets just to be away fr. my dad. This is when I first started thinking about suicide.
Whenever things got too hard, I would pray. I had allways believed in God, but had never really felt Him or had an encounter w/Him. But every time I prayed, I seemed to get an answer, so I kept believing in Him.
When I was finally old enough to leave home, I thought I would finally have some peace, at least because I wouldn't have to be around my dad.
But because I had grown to hate him, I took him w/me in my head. Almost every night I would have nightmare's about him trying to kill me.
I could see him coming to kill me w/the same hatred I had seen for years in his eyes. My mom would tell me I had to forgive him so I could be set free. This made me so mad! I couldn't understand how she could say that to me. My dad was the one who beat me up for no reason, and I was
supposed to just forgive him? I thought if I did that, it would mean he was getting away scott free, I thought by holding on to my hate, was his punishment. So the nightmares continued..until one day as I was watching a preacher on t.v. and he started talking about forgiveness and something inside me just snapped. I felt so furious at God and yelled, "God, you want me to forgive's not fair! Look at how much he hurt me..God, if you want me to forgive you are going to have to help me to do it because I can't." and I started to cry and cry and picked up a piece of paper and wrote my dad a letter. I was thinking, fine, I'll forgive him but first he is going to know exactly what I think of him. But as soon as I started to write something amazing happened. I felt my hate melt away! I just felt so sad and so sorry for my dad! I knew these feeling's were something God helped me feel because 2 seconds ago I wished him dead. I was so amazed that my hate was gone! But it was and has never returned, I understand that my dad has SP also and God helped me to feel compasion for him.(Nightmares are gone too)
But years and years of abuse leave their mark and the mark it left on me was low self esteem and being very doubtful of God's love for me. Like I said earlier, I had allways believed in God but it was "head knowledge" not "heart knowledge" I had never felt Him. And because my dad didn't
love me, and he was the only example I ever had of a father, unknowingly, I looked at God the same way. I thought God was just waiting for me to make a mistake and I tried to be "good" enough for God to love me. I couldn't understand God's unconditional love or accept it. And every time I would make a mistake or fail, I felt like God stopped loving me. I started going to church, it was a Christian Pentecostal church. Pentecostals are a rowdy bunch and me w/my SP, I would wonder, "what am I doing here?" But people were very friendly and kind to me and I just felt a lot of love in that church and something else I had never felt before. Something inside me said, "God is here. Stay." So I did. But as days turned into months and I kept watching others get touched by God or at least say they did (I was doubtful then) I started to get jealous and mad because God had never touched me in that way. I even began to doubt He was real. Maybe my answered prayers were just coincidence? Finally one day I was feeling really low, really unloved and messed up so I cried to God again only this time I asked Him to show me
what all those other people felt, to show me His love. To give me a personal experience w/HIm. Nothing happened, right then. It took a few days and happened at my church at the altar. I was up there at the altar and wondering what I was doing there and feeling very self conscious and about to make a break for it, when the pastor came up to me and very lightly put his hand on my head to pray for me, I don't know what he said but all of a sudden I was crying a river before God. I felt like all my strength suddenly left my body and I fell to the floor but didn't feel it. All I could feel was this overwhelming love for me and all I could say to God was I'm sorry...I'm sorry. Over and over. Words failed me. I just knew it was HIM. I didn't see him w/my eyes but I saw him w/my heart and my spirit. It was like Jesus was there looking at me w/sadness and asking me, "Mary, don't you know how much I love you?" He was sad because I didn't understand or believe in His love. But at the same time I felt compassion because He understood why.
There is no "magic" formula to get an encounter w/God. In my case, I was desperate, I was at the end of myself and I desired it w/all my heart,
the bible says God does not reject a sincere and contrite heart, so maybe that is why. Because I meant it w/all I had, because I looked and looked and knocked and knocked until I got an answer.
Some might read this and say, "but what about all the pain you went through and still go through today?(SP) how can God allow it?" All I know is that Jesus suffered immensely for a purpose and I just trust God that my pain has served or will serve a purpose too maybe to help someone else,
and I know someday He will remove the SP, whether in this life or the next. If it is in this life, I will tell you all about it!


Well-known member
That's a nice story Mary. I'm sorry you've had to suffer so much in your life, and happy you had those experiences with God. I hope you'll find much happiness in the future. :)

With enough effort you can lose your SP, I'm certain of that.


Well-known member
Hello there Mary!

I just had to tell you that your story touched my heart and drove
me into tears. Both sad and happy tears... :cry: :D

Thank you so much for sharing your story!! It meant a lot to me :!:


Well-known member
As usual, this thread has been hijacked by Christians trying to press their morbid theories of God-Man relations on others. Christianity teaches that God punishes non-Christians in hell or punishes Christ as their atonement substitute on the cross.

Did you read the OP? Please keep to yourself your anxiety-provoking religion, with its miserable explanation of the meaning of Christ's death. I did not create this thread as a place where Christians should come to recruit others to adopt their gloomy ruminations about a God who requites destruction upon humans or Christ as atonement.

In fact, this thread was intended to be something quite the opposite -- a place where people wounded and degraded by Christian theology could come to discuss how to recover from the religion. Are you paying attention?


Well-known member
Zipper I have already told you that I got you wrong in the opening. My intentions were only to try and help you, (honestly) but in later posts I found out that you already knew all I wrote to you. If I knew this or realized this from the start I would never replied to you in the first place. Later I started my own thread about "Christian people", but unfortunately many posts have still ended in this thread... But when someone directs their questions dirctly to me in this thread I feel I have to answer them here as well.... :? I apologize that I did not understand your consern from the start. So if someone wants to continue this discussion (Christian beliefs) I suggest that we do this in the thread about "Christian people" or start a new one...?