This post is from 12 years ago, so I don't think the person's on the message board anymore :thinking:
Even though this post might not be active anymore I feel like it's important I share my experience on here because I have the same phobia as you all. I first started being aware my stomach noises were different when the other kids laughed at them when I was around ten. That continued throughout my entire school life, I'm now at uni aged 19 and I still wake up every day and plan my day around how noisy the atmosphere will be during my day. It's unhealthy but it's how I've coped.
I have noticed the rumblings get worse when I'm anxious or going somewhere new. Exams, quiet classrooms, lectures, public transport, cinemas, waiting rooms, and even silent life drawing classes. All of it a living nightmare for me, and often when it happens and people turn their heads I remember it and rank these moments against each other like a competition for 'what was the worst ever one'. It's important to remember though that while it is traumatic for you, to everyone else it was just a rumble easily forgotten, no matter how loud or strange it sounds!
To all of you who may be looking for help, try Rennie tablets before a class or meeting, these have helped me at times as they get rid of the gas in your tummy causing the noise, also carry a notebook and write notes to distract yourself, you can also turn the pages to cover any noise, eat small healthy snacks throughout the day, and I also recommend meditation to help you get through the negative thoughts. You could also try apple cider vinegar (with water please be careful).
Please all of you remember to stay positive, and don't let it control your life. My experience with it is a little different as I have been diagnosed with anxiety and IBS, and am now worried it may possibly be Crone's disease but it has all stemmed for early on anxiety. I have had countless trips to the doctor to try and fix it and even tried therapy but I feel it will be with me for the rest of my life.
At one point I was very depressed and thought often about taking my own life, but I realised just how lucky I am to even be alive compared to other less fortunate people and my advice is to not lock yourself at home, get outdoors and have fun with friends and everything will get better. Create happy memories. While I was so scared before I have now had a boyfriend for over a year and I've talked to him about my condition and he accepts it and I love him for it. It is possible to have a good quality life, good luck everyone.