Anxiety and intelligence


I found this article and thought it would be of interest to people here:

Can Being Too Smart Ruin Your Life? | Alternet

I agree with a lot of what's written in it, especially in terms of how intelligence is understood. I can also relate to the 'runaway thoughts' sort of phenomenon where my brain is constantly turning against itself and coming up with new ways to convince me that things aren't okay.

Anyways, something to think about-- but don't think too hard!


Well-known member
Bit of a weird ending to that article wasn't it?? Probably because I dislike mince pies though.

I remember hearing someone talking about the link between anxiety sufferers and above average creative intelligence, which is being mis-used. Is that along the same sort of lines?


Well-known member
Interesting. I think unconventional forms of therapy such as exposure therapy and DBT will help me better than CBT.


Well-known member
Yes there is a prominent link between the two. It sucks as a lot of the time people are oblivious to things so blatant, it's like living with double-standards... they can do whatever they want, confident because they are too stupid to see their flaws, yet we set these impossible standards of perfectionism for ourselves. akdlsjfoa;disjcosidajcao;sijcodsiajc;aosijc grrr
This reminds me of the Ernest Hemingway quote “Happiness in intelligent people is the rarest thing I know.” :thinking:


Well-known member
every study, video or documentary about "social phobia" is conducted by NON-social phobics doing these ancient scientific-method tests and screenings on us like we're lab rats. no wonder CBT doesn't work on some of us, no wonder some of us are too smart for it. i'm waiting for some real "psychologists" to venture out of the square box of science and learn how to properly approach this very intangible and ubiquitous "disorder" we supposedly have.

gj science... WAY off the mark on this one. :applause:


Well-known member
I can not read it at the moment - I am too busy writing my thesis on the ultimate explanation of everything.


Well-known member
I think this is why Acceptance and Commitment Therapy has a certain appeal for me. You don't have to challenge dysfunctional thoughts. You just accept them and then act according to your values anyway. I don't think that high intelligence would undermine that.