anxiety about moving out again at 37.


I definitely have the peter pan syndrome. I don't want to grow up and I don't care. I just don't care. But, it worries me.

I just have no motivation. Well, my only motivation to move out is my shame of still living with my parents. I don't have the drive anymore I used to when I was younger.

I'm scared when I move out I'll have to deal with responsibilities and a lifestyle may decrease b/c I won't have enough money. It's like I'm thinking the worse if I move out. I'm afraid I'll fail. Though, I'm failing now.

I am diagnosed as having ocd.

Any advice?


Well-known member
Don't feel ashamed because you're living with your parents. I do too, and so do many young people in this bad economy. There are some perks to living with my parents; for example, we talk to each other and help each other out with cooking, vaccumming, etc.

I think you need a better reason to move out besides shame. Many years ago, I moved out due to societal expectations and now I am thousands of dollars indebted. I couldn't afford to move out, so I moved back in with my parents.


Well-known member
move out... peace of mind is better than a dishwasher. and no one will bitch you out if you leave a spoon in the sink.


Well-known member
Move out. Our parents won't be around forever, you shouldn't be making them your sole support system.


Well-known member
:thinking: At your age you should most definitely move out. I would rate the ability for that situation to stifle ones growth up there with being in an abusive relationship. Look at it as a great adventure, one which we all have to take:alone:


Well-known member
you don't have to grow up to live on your own

i manage to survive living by myself, and i'm probably the least grown up person i know