answer me! what colours do u like?

My favorite is blue it looks so nice and reminds me of sunny days :)

I also like bright green because it reminds me of a bright warm summer day or something...makes me feel all warm inside :D


Well-known member
I tend to like black for clothing, but I tend to like white in my surroundings, or light blue.


Well-known member
I like grey, black, and purple. The latter two in combination work well I think.:cool:

I'm not such a fan of bright colours.


Active member
I really want a dark blue car as I love that shade.
I suit brown (strangely) and have been told I suit red but..meh.
My favourite colour is black-I wear black shoes , tops and bottoms mostly.


I like red because it's the color of anger and anxiety.
I like black becuase it represents how I'm always feeling.
Grey is good because it's the color of a cloudy and miserable day.


I'm colorblind... Many people thinks this means i can't see any colors, but it just means that colors look different to me than they do to non-colorblind people. For instance, some colors look almost identical to me, especially in certain shades. I often have a hard time distinguishing yellows from greens, blues from purples, and sometimes red from green.

Therefore, I HATE COLORS. Lol...



Well-known member
I like green myself. It began when I was younger and was an obsessed ninja turtles fan, now I just love the damn colour. I own a few dark green sweaters.:D