answer me! what colours do u like?


Well-known member
Anger he smiles, towering in shiny metallic purple armour

I absolutely love that song. As for colors, I'm fond of black and green. I've always really liked the color of Luke Skywalker's lightsaber in Return of the Jedi, as well as his black outfit. Black and green were my colors of choice in Magic: The Gathering (for those who also played). They're also used heavily by one of my favorite bands. Unfortunately I haven't found a green guitar that I need to have yet.

And for those of you thinking about it, I would highly recommend shaving your head and painting yourself with a glow-in-the-dark green acrylic paint for any Martian-themed parties. Especially if you can find a closet with an uncovered lightbulb to charge yourself up with. :D


Well-known member
blue grey green and red

not typical shades , if you imagine these colours pastelized so they look sorta matted / little bit dark


Well-known member
my favorite is black .And i also like dark green. I also find the combination of white and green very 'friendly' because it's my soccer team's colours.

But I absolutely LOVE wearing black. I guess it's bcus black represents the mood I'm in most of the time..

same here!But not because of my mood.It's because i find that no other clothes colour looks good on me:)


I like blue most ^^ it's so versatile! With a dark blue it can mean sadness, or nighttime, or the bottom of the sea. A light blue is the sky during the day, freedom. Turquoise blue is a tropical sea, etcetera etcetera. :D


Well-known member
I like black, cool grey, bright blues (like aqua, azure and teal), neon colours, candy apple red and dark colours (especially red, purple and blue).

I like pretty much all the colours but those are the ones that grasp my attention the most.
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