Alcohol is Necessary

Who else needs to have alcohol in a social setting. I know I can't seem to get by in any social gathering without booze being involved. That thing that I always do is that when I have nothing to say I always just start chugging because I have anything to contribute to the conversation. The bad part is that I would rather drink and make an ass of myself instead of being alone in the corner. At least I will have some reaction even if it is negative and at least then somebody will show interest in my well being.


Well-known member
I understand what you mean, I could say the same here, since I always feel that I cannot contribute to conversations when at a restaurant with a group of people, whether its friends or family.
It depends on the situation. Alcohol definitely keeps the anxiety at bay if I'm in a setting with several people I'm unfamiliar with. Friends of friends would be a good example I guess.


Well-known member
I would not use alcohol to socialize because it can bring out the worst in people. Some people are facing jail terms because they broke the law while drunk.
I would not use alcohol to socialize because it can bring out the worst in people. Some people are facing jail terms because they broke the law while drunk.

I'm a goofy drunk. I think it's fine for people who are capable of being self-aware and have good self-control. Obviously, there are many people who would be better off steering clear of the bar. Also, there are far worse things one could be doing to their body...but that's just my two cent.


Well-known member
What sucks is that at most jobs we can't drink, like at my delivery driver job obviously I can't drink.

One of my friends once told me that I should just be drunk all the time because it's the only time I am capable of having a lot to say. The funny thing is that most of the times I'm drunk around people, I still don't say much at all.

I've been drunk at bars and still couldn't approach women so yeah.

I do think it helps me become more social sometimes, it's just I'm so quiet that it's not really consistent.

I like the buzz more than anything.


Well-known member
I use it to socialize too.
Can't relax around people without it.

I rarely drink to the point of being ****faced and making a fool of myself around other people.
....Only drink like that when I'm alone. :bigsmile:
I drink only enough to be able to relax and talk to people.
Which isn't very much.


Active member
Alcohol doesn't help me at all. I would still be a complete shell in a social setting after a lot of drinks. I tried and tried so I could lose myself. As I tried to drink my self away I still couldn't find the courage to dance with close friends of mine while they all dance. At the end of the day I just felt more depress and it lasted for 2 weeks. Never gonna try that again nor do I want to go to a club like setting again. :eek:h:


Well-known member
When I was younger I had depressions. I got over them, but I told myself not to drink, since latent depressions + alcohol are a bad combination.

So, I haven't been drinking any alcoholic beverages for the last decade. And I don't want to change that.

In short: alcohol is not necessary. It's definately not necessary. And if you think that alcohol IS necessary, then you might have a problem right there.


Well-known member
Who else needs to have alcohol in a social setting. I know I can't seem to get by in any social gathering without booze being involved. That thing that I always do is that when I have nothing to say I always just start chugging because I have anything to contribute to the conversation. The bad part is that I would rather drink and make an ass of myself instead of being alone in the corner. At least I will have some reaction even if it is negative and at least then somebody will show interest in my well being.

Depends. If drinking I am a bit more relaxed but it doesn't help that much. It certainly doesn't turn me into mister smooth or mister cool by sheer magic of drinking. For some people drinking does help them alot though.

Well i think alot of parties feel too forced or something. Its like planned fun. It sort of takes away from the point of enjoying an experience. Of course some parties are going to be great. But i'm just rationalising.

I think the best parties are the ones where you go with a bunch of your own friends or a group that you genuinely know, whom you know and who you can quote jokes, references from tv shows, inside jokes and you feel part of something.

The problem is I go to alot of parties/gathering where i simply don't know alot of the people that well, in those sorts of situations it's the egos/loud/attention seekers that tend to enjoy those sorts of get togethers where as the milder, quiet ones will sit on the couch and talk when they feel like it, or will be a wallflower.

went to a party a few weeks ago, didn't know hardly anyone and it's frankly a horrible experience. Because out of 50 people, 40+ know each other, are close and you are just sort of there, I smile, laugh, ask questions, try but in those situations, the cliques stick together, the egos come together etc...all that stuff.

So booze certainly doesn't help that much accept for switching off self consciousness a bit.
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yes I drink to excess when I am at a house party because I think I need it to socialize with people, but even when I drink it doesn't improve my communication just makes me look like an ass most of the time, so I've stopped going to house parties because it makes me feel uncomfortable.


Well-known member
Oh definitely. Helps the conversation. You feel you belong. But same time puts you out of control and things you do after a glass too many you regret and on the morning after it adds embarrassment to phobia. The things I text while tipsy... Hell want to erase them! double trouble..I'm a woman. Time to finish. But how if your social success depends on it.. :sad:


There is a perfect, ultimate, alternative, and more

I'd like to describe, but have been told not to on the site.

All it takes is meeting the right people to introduce you to these. Drinking beer, wine and spirits is a very mainstream thing in society. It's attractive. Never, ever without company. Teetotal. A chance together is valuable. More than one sip. A good few hours together. Not just sitting around. Big event. Travel necessary to get there. Overnight.physical! Watching sport might suit some, but it's lazy. Sailing. Snowboaring. Swimming. Good rest to recover. The right company. Other things to try than just drinking does more for you, feeling like a different person. Worst aspect of life is boredom. Developing yourself is more than eating and drinking (wedding) - tooooo boring.

I suppose it's difficult to find things for yourself. (on the net) for everything normal. Other things in the world. I put alcohol behind, but good when there's a chance to mix with people.

Nothing is harmful, as long as you know what to do. There are a lot of forms of entertainment. Beyond yourself. Social booost. You need introduction to new things to dicover. Luck. Wait. Get around. Words cannot describe details.

Actually Doctor Who (not the member) (series) can describe the event. My first introduction happened while we were watching DUNE. Earlier in life, Back to the Future, and later, The Matrix are good conceptions. There's more for you than a sip. Eg. If someone gave you a supercar as a present, there's more than that

The word for this thread is satisfaction. This week is employment. Then, sex is relevant. I promise: there is more fulfilness in life than sex or a supercar. I don't know about that type of car, so I might be wrong
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I have given up on the social acceptance thing.

I drink to pass the time.

I tried the "AA" thing after being pressured but getting out more just caused me to spend last year in and out of mental hospitals and rehab. I was a mess, as for the past six months of keeping to myself I have done just fine. I would rather drink and be happy than not just to fulfill the selfish minded wants of others.


Well-known member
Nope, it's not necessary. It's simply "the easy and dangerous way". It's like as if a bee stings you, and you take a large wooden board to knock yourself out to not feel the pain. Sure, you don't feel the sting anymore, but whether that was worth it...

I had slight chronic depressions when I was younger, so I decided not to drink any alcohol, since it seemed to risky to me (maybe I'd get then more depressed, or I might also drink some alone at home or whatever). And so I'm not drinking any alcohol anymore since my early 20s. And about a third of my friends don't drink any either, for various reasons.

In short: no, it's not necessary.


Well-known member
I like to have a few drinks on the rare occasions I go out. Not because I have to but because I choose to... Nothing wrong with it if you have a bit of self control,i actually recommend it


I do. As a matter of fact, I need alcohol to even go out in the first place. Otherwise, I'd sit like a bump on a log, and not say a word to anyone. Which kinda defeats the point of being in a social setting to begin with.

Which is why I stay home if I'm sober.


Well-known member
It's never healthy to want to rely on anything in order to function. If you notice any sort of reliance on a substance/drug, you should be careful. Especially those who say they can't leave the house without it. This is a very dangerous way of thinking.

Alcohol is good in moderation. That said, I do think a lot of people (including those without official mental problems) drink as some form of escapism of their social limitations or their own problems/mind. A lot of students in my country drink almost every day, but because they do it with others, in social situations, it's not frowned upon.

I recommend some meditation or other healthy activities like sports that can get you "out of your head", and only drink as a compliment to your life, not as the basis. We humans need healthy food, water and shelter the rest of what we think we need to put in our bodies is crazyness.
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It does indeed help me function. It quiets my mind.

Alcohol has a medicinal use, IMHO. If I were prescribed some bottle of side effects that didn't work, but made me an impotent wreck, society would be fine and dandy with it. But because it's alcohol, and it does work for me, society has all these big problems with it. Meh. Not like I'm super big on what society thinks anyway.

As for meditation, I may try that someday. If I could get my head to shut up long enough.