Aging is truly the cruelest thing that happens in nature

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Iä! Iä! Cthulhu fhtagn!
Staff member
Nope, sorry that is what you're implying. I would only feel bad if I posted my 8th grade pic ALONG with my current pic and THEN a thread like this was made. He hasn't done that. (he probably looks the same anyway but thats NOT the point) Small, simple things trigger ideas in my head, and I decided to credit him for inspiration since I'm a sharing individual. You're digging too deep into something that isn't there fam.
Okay, for the sake of argument let's say I'm completely misinterpreting everything here.

Still, it while singling out a single forum member (which a lot of us would be uncomfortable with for any reason) it didn't occur to you, and still hasn't, that your post might be interpreted that way?

But isn't that what you've been doing with these celebrity pics?

pretty much.

Forum members are off limit though.

it's tragic to me and I wanted to further prove my point (with the celebs) when a positive spin was put on it. The poster Hadron's reply summed up my sentiments exactly.

anyway, The replies I'm getting from this thread also verify my incapable of small talk thread and how everything seems to end up in a negative way.

just can't win, huh?
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Okay, for the sake of argument let's say I'm completely misinterpreting everything here.

Still, it while singling out a single forum member (which a lot of us would be uncomfortable with for any reason) it didn't occur to you, and still hasn't, that your post might be interpreted that way?


again, if he asked me to take it down I would. I singled a member out for giving me inspiration. That is a positive in my book. If someone created a so n so looks fine thread be sure to rush in there with these same questions. ;)


Well-known member
Just try to enjoy each phase of life. Instead of fretting about aging now, why not enjoy the point where you are at now? Even if you're not happy with your personality or issues with anxiety/etc. just try to be thankful you have a youth to actually live through and make the best you can of it. You're gonna be an old man thinking "why the hell didn't I do whatever I could even if it were tough to enjoy life." I use to hate going out among the people and still do to a large extent.... but once I get through it and look back at what I did that day, I feel so darn relieved that I actually made the effort and did whatever it is I wanted to do.... hard or not.

Back in the old days, the way they cleaned their clothes was to beat them against a rock... eventually it got clean. Maybe that's what we need to do... not be afraid of the beating in order to get better. Or.... just as gold is refined and purified through fire.... maybe that's what we need to go through. Endure, endure, endure until eventually you are refined.
Just try to enjoy each phase of life. Instead of fretting about aging now, why not enjoy the point where you are at now? Even if you're not happy with your personality or issues with anxiety/etc. just try to be thankful you have a youth to actually live through and make the best you can of it. You're gonna be an old man thinking "why the hell didn't I do whatever I could even if it were tough to enjoy life." I use to hate going out among the people and still do to a large extent.... but once I get through it and look back at what I did that day, I feel so darn relieved that I actually made the effort and did whatever it is I wanted to do.... hard or not.

Back in the old days, the way they cleaned their clothes was to beat them against a rock... eventually it got clean. Maybe that's what we need to do... not be afraid of the beating in order to get better. Or.... just as gold is refined and purified through fire.... maybe that's what we need to go through. Endure, endure, endure until eventually you are refined.

I agree with you entirely. No point in worrying about things that are out of our control.
They're people too. And i'm pretty sure if they saw this thread they'd be hurt just as much as a member here on this forum, but anyway, i'm done, i'm over sensitive at times.

you're correct (except Michael wouldn't care for obvious reasons)

but its much easier to be rich and hurt than broke and hurt.

Yes I just may be bigoted against rich people


Well-known member
Aging doesn't bother my hubby at all, I think his attitude has rubbed off on me. I don't want to become like my mom, constantly saying things like "I'm so old, fat, ugly, etc etc". Esp not in front of my kids, I don't think its healthy for them to become obsessed with things like that.


Well-known member
I'm having a nervous breakdown thinking about this

and what do you mean mean way?

Deathmedal was a cute lil kid, I'm sure he still looks that way......but that post triggered sometime inside of me. If he asked me to remove the link I would.

Spike, don't worry about it. I noticed you already took the link down, but I just wanted to say it didn't bother me.

I do have current pics in the guys thread, and I look pretty much the same, except my hair is much different.


Staff member
I must add this post was reported, I edited the first post back to it's orignal state as the OP edited out the personal attack to avoid being caught.
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