

Active member
I'm not completely disappointed about turning 18 in a couple months but I'm not looking forward to it as much. I don't want to quit being a kid/teen. I understand taking responsibility but I haven't grown out of the teenish/shy/awkward/innocent thing. I can't imagine acting all grown up when it comes to socializing and dating. It kind of depresses me that my childhood is already ending.

I've actually been dreading this since i was like 8 years old. Growing up frustrated me. I've spent so much time worrying and thinking about, i don't think I enjoyed my childhood as much.


Being an adult sucks actually. It IS possible to retain the positive aspects of childhood while still being responsible/independent. I dont recommend going FULL adult (like playing golf,wearing penny loafers,going to bookclub meetings, having kids)....being a semi-adult is the way to go...that way you get to appear to be "grown-up" while still enjoying all your childish/youthful hobbies and interests.

but then again, im not exactly a role model so take that with a grain of salt.
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Well-known member
I'm 19. I read comic books, play board games, video games. I watch a ton of movies and tv shows. I don't have a lot of free time but I still find time to fit this stuff in. Because it's who I am and even if I'm an adult I can still love things that I grew up with.

You may have to act a little mature, yes. But you can still do all the things you love because there are other adults out there who do the same things. Be yourself because the only way your going to live a happy life is to do what you love. :)


Well-known member
An 'adult' is simply someone with additional life-experience.

However, what you should always keep in mind is that those people *with* experience can still make some terribly stupid decisions on what to do or how to act.

Some 'adults' like to believe, just because they've successfully survived to be of a certain age, that 'their' way of doing things is *The Best Way*, and any deviations of such are simply *wrong*.

Yes, being a 'kid' is the best thing in the world. Not too many people hassle you about getting a job or being responsible... there's a distinct lack of career-pressure when you're young.
It gets worse, sure, as you get older... all the newspapers and magazines talking about how you *need* to get a certain type of vehicle or live a specific way to be happier in your twenties and thirties... it's all bulls*it, of course.

Only your choices, and the acceptance of the results will bring you that feeling. And as long as you live exactly the way that *you* choose... then you'll never be anything but.

One last thing to remember... you've got another 80 years to live. You can afford to take things slow.


Well-known member
I'm still getting use to being called an adult. I'm 23. And when I hear someone referring to me as an adult I think "Who? me?"

Being an adult isn't that bad. You have more responsibilities. But you can be as mature/immature as you want.


Im 32 and Im still not convinced Im an adult ... Hahahaha!!! I guess everybody is still a child within.

By the way you are still a child ... 18 is very young ...


The only things that change in adulthood is your metabolism slows down and people treat you like someone who knows what they're doing.

But nobody really ever knows what they're doing-- they just think they do because people treat them that way, or they're too busy to worry about it.

Adulthood is fine... what sucks is comparing yourself to others.


Well-known member
You dreaded turning 18. I think most people have it the other way round. The way I saw it was that as a minor I had few rights and people could tread on me. But being an adult I had more rights and at the same time more duties.


Pirate from the North Pole
I think the most difficult thing about adulthood is to figure out a way to make a living, especially with SA since you literally depends on what people, or at least one person (the one who hires you), think of you to earn money.

Passed this (huge) obstacle, you have a lot more control over your life, which is the best thing. As a kid, you have none.


Well-known member
I'm still getting use to being called an adult. I'm 23. And when I hear someone referring to me as an adult I think "Who? me?"

Im 30 but I feel like I'm 23, it doesn't help that hardly anything has changed between those two ages for me. I dont think the worst thing about being an adult is the responsibilities, its that some of them are forced on you. People think they HAVE to have kids, they HAVE to be married, I would say its worse to see all your friends do all that stuff and start alienating themselves from you.
And then youre stuck cause you cant do anything with youre closest friends, but then other people are borderline too young to hang around with, its confusing. All the late 20s and early 30s ladies are married, the early 20s ladies and (legal) teens are creeped out if youre interested in them, you cant win.
I would say its worse to see all your friends do all that stuff and start alienating themselves from you.
I don't think they're purposefully trying to alienate you, people change all the time and so do their priorities. It's hard to maintain a friendship with someone when their lifestyles are different.


Well-known member
I don't think they're purposefully trying to alienate you, people change all the time and so do their priorities. It's hard to maintain a friendship with someone when their lifestyles are different.

I know they aren't (typically) doing it deliberately. But sometimes it feels like it.
Friend: "Whats your schedule Wednesday?"
Me: "Free after 9:30, can be home around 10:30 since I have to walk to my car (about a mile)"
Friend: "Ok sweet, I'll swing by and we can record some music"

Wednesday rolls around
Me: "I'm on my way home if you're still heading over"
Friend: "I can't make it, maybe Friday"

Friend: "Hey I cant make it out there today"

This happens all the time


Well-known member
It's easier when you realize that you're not the only one in their 20's who likes to watch cartoons in their pajamas sometimes.


I think people are fed alot of bullshit throughout their youth to the point where they're supposed to think that being an adult is like the ULTIMATE goal in life and then whey they get there it actually kind of blows....but then at that point they still have about 60-70 years of the same old daily grind. its a TRAP...I dont want to sound like a conspiracy theorist (because im NOT) but all the stuff that is pushed on you as a kid about growing up and becoming an "adult" is probably mainly aimed more towards uncle sam recruiting more worker bees to turn the gears of this machine we call "the system"... The stuff you see on TV and movies and commercials is often a subliminal way to encourage you to go a certain direction with your life.

.im not saying the government is out to get you or any of that crazy stuff but i DO think they want you to BE a certain way and some people just arent content with that..
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Well-known member
I enjoy being an adult a great deal. Yes, there are a lot more responsibilities but I can do whatever I want. There are no rules to follow except my own. I can stay up late, eat whatever I want, Buy whatever I want with my own money.

I like feeling independent and in control and having to step up to the plate has given me that.


Well-known member
I think people are fed alot of bullshit throughout their youth to the point where they're supposed to think that being an adult is like the ULTIMATE goal in life and then whey they get there it actually kind of blows....but then at that point they still have about 60-70 years of the same old daily grind. its a TRAP...I dont want to sound like a conspiracy theorist (because im NOT) but all the stuff that is pushed on you as a kid about growing up and becoming an "adult" is probably mainly aimed more towards uncle sam recruiting more worker bees to turn the gears of this machine we call "the system"... The stuff you see on TV and movies and commercials is often a subliminal way to encourage you to go a certain direction with your life.

.im not saying the government is out to get you or any of that crazy stuff but i DO think they want you to BE a certain way and some people just arent content with that..
This guy has is right. Yes! They want you to be a certain way. They want good worker bees.
Do you realize how much brain washing we have been exposed to our entire lives through the educational system and media.
These institutions actually shape reality!
I'm no conspiracy guy either but it's plain as day that our current modern reality has been created for us.

It's actually pretty easy to watch tv and spot the different agendas being pushed.

Oh and being an adult blows! Sure it's great when you are young and you feel free but when you get to middle age you find out it's a whole lot of nothing.

So I always tell young people "ENJOY YOUR YOUTH AS MUCH AS YOU CAN!!!"