thanks for the tip, katie, I never heard of echinacea, i'll take a look at it, since i don't like to be sick, I like to keep my health the good wayif you can, try to find the vitamin/herb pill echinacea (pronounced eck-eh-na-shya, i think, lol) in the vitamin section at the drug store.. it reeeally helps your strengthen your immune system, i worked at a daycare and was always getting a cold when the kids got sick, so i got some echinacea and it kept me from breaking down and getting sick all the time!
well Soul, my grandma and brother both are asthmatic, so maybe?? i dunno.Hello Saskia,
Well as many above me said go see a doctor You could have spring allergy also or just maybe u are asthmatic and don't know about it? Do u have cat or dog? Also can be allergy on hair of those sweet monsters. Hun just go make tests for different types of allergies like hair of animals,grass,smoke etc.
this may help u find out what's that if wouldn't be your coughing stopping and u will continue. Is good to know if u are allergic on something coz later u don't have worries what could be with u. Take care about your self!
well Soul, my grandma and brother both are asthmatic, so maybe?? i dunno.
and we have a cat and a dog. we have a cat since a half year, and she's always laying on the chair in my room, i'll go to the doctor this friday and we'll see what my doctor would say about this (=, thanks D*Si haha